Outlined here are the most efficient ways for us to communicate to ensure that your student is reaching their full potential in my class!

  1. Student Planners: Students should have all due dates and relevant information written in their planners. This way, despite any technology issues, students know what is expected of them. It is solely the student's responsibility to keep up with assignments and due dates.

  2. Teacher Website: My website is the place to go to find our class syllabus, and any class notes or materials.

  3. Email: My email is tking5@ebrschools.org and I check it often during the school day. Feel free to email me with any concerns you may have!

  4. Conferences: Parent teacher conferences are scheduled through the front office so that teachers aren’t double booked. If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, call McKinley’s main office at (225) 388-0089 and ask to speak with Ms. Houston, the school guidance clerk.

ALL About the McKinley APP:

Copy of Using the McKinley App

HOW TO USE Our McKinley App!

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