Friday 19th July 2024


Dear Families, 

We are at the end of another fantastic year at school with so many areas of school life to celebrate.  As always, the staff team have worked incredibly hard and we are proud of each and everyone of our children.  All children have lived our Staynor Hall values of determination, self-belief, collaboration and honesty throughout the year in their own way. 

A few reminders for September:

The school day 

The school day starts at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm for Reception -Y6

Children in Tiny Steps and Team Esk start their day at 8:30am until 3:30pm 

School Uniform 

Our school uniform is an important part of school life and supports children to feel a sense of belonging. A reminder of what is required for our uniform can be found on our website at https://staynorhallschool.org/school-uniform/ we do have a selection of pre-loved uniform for sale in our family room. 

School lunches

All children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 are expected to have a school lunch which is paid for via the universal free school meals and do not require a packed lunch.  Children in KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) have the option of bringing a packed lunch or a school meal. School meals can be ordered via Appetite https://appetite.hutchisoncatering.co.uk/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2F meals need to be ordered for all children (including children in reception in Y1 and Y2) they can be ordered a term in advance but must be done by 8:55 a.m. that morning.  

Finally I would like to thank the whole community for your support this year and I wish you a very happy and safe summer holiday.

Best wishes 

Mrs Winter 



What's Cooking?

Today we say farewell to all our Year 6 children.  I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them in Cook School and I wish them all the best for the future.  The food they cooked for their Graduation this week was absolutely amazing and I am very proud of each and every one of them.   

As we are breaking up for the summer holidays, I was thinking you may want to spend some family time going on picnics and days out.  It is very tempting to just grab pre-packed items from the supermarket.  Please take a look at the Eatwell Guide below - this is a brilliant guide to help you make some healthy choices for your family.  Try and pick something from each food group - it is easier than you think.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy summer break and I look forward to welcoming the children back into Cook School in September.

Mrs Soper

Cook School Lead


A PESSPA Year in Review and Thank You 

It has been another busy year for the children at Staynor Hall for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. In PE we have focused on our transferable skills curriculum which helps develop our children holistically. We have explored such topics like dribbling, attack vs defence, gymnastics, dance, athletics and many more. 

In school sports we stayed part of the Selby Primary School Cluster and we accessed several events and competitions such as girls and boys football, tri-golf, netball, hockey, multi-skills and cross country. Many of our children qualified for the cross country Selby District finals and in December we successfully defended our Sportshall Athletics crown by winning the competition that was held at Selby High School. 

In school we have also had a wide range of physical activity options for our children to access. Our Sports Leaders from teams Humber and Calder have delivered amazing activities during lunch times to give our younger children the chase to participate in something new and different. Children in reception and KS1 had balance bike training and children from team Foss had the opportunity to participate in a skipping event. Dance Elite, York Knights and Super Star Sports have delivered lunchtime and after school clubs to children of all ages. Children from KS2 attended the Brownlee Brothers Triathlon and our year 6 children have just had their bikeability lessons. We also had two very successful sports days with children from Tiny Steps to Humber trying their best and giving things a go. 

On a personal note I would like to thank everyone for their help and support over the years. I have had such an amazing 8 years at Staynor Hall and I am really going to miss everyone. 


2nd & 3rd September - Teacher Training Day (School closed to all pupils)

4th September - Autumn Term Begins

4th - 6th September - Y6 Residential Trip

9th October - Individual Photos 

22nd October - Whole School Flu Immunisations

28th October - 1st November - Half Term Holiday (School closed to all)

4th November - School Reopens


June 2024 (1).pdf



York RLFC Foundation are delighted to confirm our 2024 Summer School Holiday programme, with more than 55 events taking place across York and North Yorkshire.

The Foundation’s School Holiday programme plays a vital role in our local community by providing children with enjoyable, active and free sessions and inspiring the next generation of York Knights and York Valkyrie stars.

This summer, the York RLFC Foundation are set to reach more than 1,200 children visiting sites including areas of Clifton, New Earswick, Strensall, Huntington, Riccall,  Acomb, Woodthorpe, Selby and Hull Road Park to name but a few!

The 2024 Summer School Holiday programme is delivered thanks to our several partners, which includes support from the City of York Council, FEAST and local Council Ward Committee.

All of our sessions listed below are open-access, free-to-attend sessions thanks to the HAF funding received but we encourage eligible families to book to secure a food order and a place on the session.

The full list of the York RLFC Foundation's 2024 Summer School Holiday programme sessions can be found by visiting https://www.yorkrlfc.com/schoolholidays.


Supporting communication differences flyer Nov 24.pdf
Picky eaters or avoidant restrictive Nov 24.pdf
Early Communication Skills Professionals Sept 24.pdf
Eating and Drinking Safely flyer Sept 24.pdf