Plagiarism and Turnitin


Turnitin is software that is often referred to as a "plagiarism checker." Turnitin's software compares submitted papers to articles, websites and student papers to determine how much of the text matches other sources. 

At EBHS, we firmly believe that the power of using Turnitin is its ability to preemptively deter plagiarism, while at the same time helping students to improve their writing and research skills. By utilizing the Turnitin software, students are able to submit drafts of their papers and view the resulting Turnitin Originality Report before submitting final papers to their instructor.  This allows the student to self-monitor improper or problematic citations and make appropriate corrections.  The result is that students gain the invaluable skill of proper research writing, creating their own thoughts, opinions and knowledge, while building upon the work of others with proper citations. 


The Academic Integrity/Honor Code of East Brunswick High School defines plagiarism as the act of taking the language, ideas, or thoughts, or works of art or music, of another and presenting them as one’s own without proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following: