
(Rhoda) Marie Ressler
Special Education Teacher
East Sac County School District

I grew up on a farm in Utah. I raised my children in Utah, then moved to the sun-drenched landscapes of Phoenix.  A couple of years ago, I moved to Sac City.   

A love for the outdoors has shaped my hobbies, with camping and backpacking trips providing some of my fondest memories. These pursuits allowed me to appreciate the tranquility of nature, alternating between the rhythmic cadence of running and the serene stillness of swimming. On quieter days, I found joy in indoor activities such as sewing, painting, and other crafts. While in college, I became fascinated with Reiki neuroscience-based music as a therapy and sound healing, leading me to Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, and the steel tongue drum. The ethereal resonance of these instruments had a calming effect, providing a touching counterpart to my dynamic outdoor activities. 

I have four children, including a goddaughter who Graduated in 2024.  My grandsons live here in Sac City. My granddaughter lives in Phoenix, Arizona. 

While in Phoenix, I was a Therapeutic Foster parent for 64 children. We often went to the zoo, museums, libraries, science centers, or the local skating rink for a fun day out. These moments allowed us to bond and create memories that will last a lifetime.