Elizabeth Strong

PE Teacher BPE and CCE

Email is the best way to reach me since I am at two schools.


Hello Eanes ISD. I am Coach Strong. I know... an awesome name for a PE teacher. I am so excited to teach PE at BPE and CCE.  I love helping kids develop a love for health and wellbeing while teaching them communication, cooperation and team-building skills. I graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in journalism and fashion merchandising.  After careers in fashion marketing, the jewelry business and personal training, I decided to teach PE. I have been teaching for 15 years.  I love to travel, hike, SUP, play darts and shuffleboard. Since living in Austin (3 years), I'm on the hunt for the best tacos.  My students describe me as fun, fair, a good listener, empathetic and silly. I look forward to meeting everyone.