Ms. Salazar

Esmeralda Salazar


Class Instagram: @learningwithmssalazar

Amazon Wishlist: Clase de Ms. Salazar

Room #: C304

¡Bienvenidos a primer grado!

Welcome to First Grade! 

¡Hola! I am so blessed to be the first grade Spanish Immersion teacher at Eanes Elementary this year. This will be my fourth year teaching first grade and I am so excited to begin this new adventure with you all! 

I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas and grew up in a bilingual household. I was also a student in the Dual Language program during elementary school. I am a proud graduate of The University of Texas at Austin where I earned a degree in Applied Learning Development for Early Childhood - 6th grade, certified Bilingual Generalist. I have a passion for working with young, emerging bilingual students and strive to create a positive learning environment where all of my students feel loved and safe. One of my main goals as a teacher is to develop meaningful relationships with each of my students and their families. I truly believe that we are a team and that together, we can inspire and equip your child to become successful both in and out of the classroom!

In my free time I love exploring Austin with my friends and spending time with my amazing family! I enjoy going on long walks, staying active, and going to the beach. 

We are going to have an amazing school year and I am so excited to meet you all! I'm looking forward to creating the best memories in first grade. Go Mustangs! 

Ms. Salazar in first grade!

Hook 'em Horns! 

First Grade Team!