Mrs. Jennings

Me and my husband Jack

My husband Jack, and dogs Elly and Waylon

My wonderful family!

Me at my 5th grade graduation at Eanes Elementary!

Brittany Jennings

Instagram: mrsjennings_ee

(512) 732- 9100 X 21905

Room: C-301

First Grade Team Lead

Welcome to First Grade! My name is Brittany Jennings and I am a proud graduate of Eanes Elementary, Hill Country Middle School, and Westlake High School class of 2011. I am so honored and thrilled to be returning to Eanes Elementary on the First Grade team!

This will be my eighth year in education. I graduated from Texas Tech University- Wreck 'Em Tech!!- in 2015 as the Valedictorian as the College of Education. I earned my degree in Early Childhood Education with a specialization in Special Education. After graduation, I taught 2nd grade in Tulsa, Oklahoma through Teach for America for two years. Afterwards, I spent three years in Dallas, Texas teaching 2nd grade at a public charter school. I came to Eanes in August of 2020 as a part of the kindergarten team! This will be my second year teaching First Grade at Eanes.

In my classroom you will find: high levels of consistency in routine and procedure, student to student discourse and collaboration, a rich classroom library with a wide range of books, and FUN! I prioritize diverse math centers, play, an emphasis on kindness and acceptance of all students, and high expectations academics appropriately scaffolded to meet student needs. I love to watch students demonstrate joy in finding independence, and owning responsibility in learning and actions across campus. There is nothing more rewarding and sacred to me than forming relationships with my students and helping them learn, grow, and be full of joy!

Austin is my home and I am so excited to be back! My husband, Jack, and I relocated from Dallas and were married on July 11, 2020 in the backyard of our home. It is so exciting to be back in the same city as my family who has been in the district and Eanes neighborhood since I was in kindergarten.

When I'm not teaching I love to walk our dogs, Elly and Waylon, read books, soak up the sun, exercise, and travel- especially to the beach! You will always find me with a cup of coffee nearby, it's a crucial part of each of my mornings. We also have so many great family and friends in Austin and in Texas that we spend a lot of our free weekends road tripping to visit them!

Eanes brought me a love of learning, crucial life and study skills, and my best friends in the world. What a wonderful blessing for me to get to help give those experiences to your child this year!