English 5-6

ENH 110

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ENH 110 & English 5-6 (Junior Level English) HERE


2020-2021 Parent Survey ENH 110 & English 5-6 (Junior Level English) HERE


English 5-6 ENH 110 Rio Salado Dual-Enrollment English Class Syllabus

Mr. Andrew Engwall Room: 1202 Phone: 623-523-5100

ENH 110: Introduction to Literature

Email: andrew.engwall@dysart.org

College Credits: 3 credits

Official Course Description:​ ENH 110 is an introductory course to literature through various forms of literary expression; e.g., poetry, drama, essay, biography, autobiography, short story, and novel. The course provides a global overview of literature with special emphasis on diverse cultural contributions of women, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, British, Northern Irish, and Norwegians. Prerequisites: None.

Official Course Competencies:

• Identify the setting and point of view in a work of fiction.

• Describe the way an author develops characterization in a work of fiction.

• Analyze the way in which an author's gender identity and/or ethnic or cultural background influences the development of his or her work.

• Differentiate between plot and theme in a work of fiction.

• Differentiate between a subject and a theme in a poem.

• Identify the most common poetic devices.

• Identify and give examples of symbolism in fiction, poetry, and drama.

• Identify the major types of plays.

• Interpret a poem, a short story, and a play through oral and/or written discourse using literary criticism as a basis.

Standards and Expectations

Course Requirements: ​The rigor and challenge of this course will be met with enthusiasm and collaboration between students and faculty. This is not merely an in-depth, higher level high school course; rather, it is a college course. Students in dual enrollment English courses are not only preparing for college, but are actually taking those first few steps into college and collegial study.


• Grades are determined as a percentage of total points earned: 90-100=A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C; 60-69=D and 59% or less =F.

• No assignments are accepted after the due date. A zero may be recorded for any late assignment.

• Retakes are not permissible on any quizzes, tests, or exams; however, teacher-selected opportunities for composition revisions and rewrites will be made available.

Attendance Standards​: All students will follow the SRHS Attendance policy. Students are responsible for completing missed work and assessments. For planned absences with administrative consent, it is highly recommended you get the work in advance and make arrangements with the teacher prior to your absence.

Missing/Late Assignments: Shadow Ridge High School Dual Enrollment students are expected to turn in all assessments, projects, homework, classwork, and papers on the assigned due date. Late work will be accepted for up to one week past the due date for up to 70% of the original grade. Thereafter, no points will be awarded.

Late Assessments (Essays, Tests): Any late assessment, project, etc. must be submitted, taken on time. After which, assessments will be scored at 70% for up to one week from the due date. Thereafter, no points will be awarded. Absences will count a day for a day. Please make arrangements in advance, if you know you will be absent.

Report Cards:​ In an effort to conserve resources and harness the capacity of our electronic grade reporting program, district schools will no longer print hard copies of report cards.

Online Access:​ Grades and attendance may be accessed 24 hours a day online with your Parent Portal access code. You may check student progress regularly on our site using the same login for one or more students. For SRHS parents/guardians without home computer access, a computer with guest log-in capability is available in the Shadow Ridge office.

Academic Assistance/Office Hours:​ In addition to the Academic Prep times built into our schedule each week, additional assistance/tutoring is provided on a weekly basis by instructors. The office hours will Tuesdays 2:20-3:20 & Wednesdays 2:20-3:00 by appointment only.

Daily Device Use:​ Students will often use Chromebooks in class. Students may not be on their cell phones, at all, during teacher lectures or student presentations, in fact, they cannot use their smartphones at any time during the class period unless they are given the explicit permission to do so by the instructor. Devices may not be used to record or take photos of other people without their consent. Consequences for classroom disruptions and misuse of devices will follow a progressive discipline model as outlined in the Dysart Student Handbook 2018-2019.

Time Requirements:​ You will need to dedicate significant time to this college course. For each credit hour, plan to spend at least two hours a week on homework in addition to class presentation time.

Extra Credit Policy: Extra Credit is not available for this class. It is the belief of Rio Salado College that all work done for a class should receive regular credit and is more than sufficient to assess the understanding of material presented in the course.

Plagiarism Warning:​ Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling or sharing of term papers or other academic materials. Information gathered from the Internet and not properly identified is also considered plagiarism. We expect every student to produce his/her original, independent work. Any student whose work indicates a violation of the MCCCD and SRHS Academic Misconduct Policy (including cheating and plagiarism) can expect sanctions as specified in the college catalog (2.3.11), or online at the following site: http://www.maricopa.edu/publicstewardship/governance/adminregs/students/2_3.php Rio Salado College uses software that uncovers plagiarism from student to student and other data sources on the Internet. If a student is found to have plagiarized content, grade consequences will be applied in accordance with departmental policies.

Civility Policy:​ The faculty of Rio Salado place a high value on the importance of general ethical standards of academic behavior and expect that communication between students and instructors or among students shall maintain the level of formality and mutual respect appropriate to any college teaching/learning situation. Language or behavior that is rude, abusive, profane, disruptive, or threatening will not be tolerated. Activity of this type is Academic Misconduct as defined in MCCCD Policy AR 2.3.11. Students engaging in such behavior will be removed from the course with a failing grade. Additional sanctions may be applied pursuant to AR 2.3.11.

Refund Policy:​ Refunds are not automatic. Students who drop courses within the refund period are eligible for a reimbursement of appropriate tuition and fees. Please see the refund policy online for deadlines and details.

Disability Statement:​ Rio Salado College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Notify Disability Services and Resources and your instructor of any special needs. Contact Disability Services and Resources at (480) 517-8562.

Tuition Assistance is available to students enrolled in a Rio Salado College dual enrollment course who demonstrate financial need. Please refer to:​ ​http://www.riosalado.edu/dual/ The student is responsible for the information outlined in the syllabus. The student is also responsible for knowing the Rio Salado College policies in the college catalog and the student handbook. Please refer to: http://www.riosalado.edu/dual/

Course content and syllabus may vary from the course calendar provided in order to meet the needs of a particular group in this course section.

Email: andrew.engwall@dysart.org Phone: 623-476-5100 Room: 1202

Office Hours: 7:15-2:15 (MON-FRIDAY) for individual appointments contact me via email.