ECFE and School Readiness

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer information, strengthen families, and support all parents in providing the best possible environment to the healthy growth and development of their children.  

 What is ECFE?

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) recognizes that parents are their child’s first and most important teachers. ECFE offers parents hands-on learning experiences that will nourish a lifetime of teachable moments.

All ECFE classes are taught by licensed early childhood teachers and parent educators to provide the quality education parents are looking for.

Together, parents and children, newborn to kindergarten age, participate in activities and experiences that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and language skills.

ECFE teachers use the Parent Education Core Curriculum Framework and Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota’s Early Learning Standards provided through the Minnesota Department of Education.

-From the Minnesota Department of Education

School Readiness Scholarship Program

School Readiness funds are appropriated to Minnesota school districts by the state of Minnesota. The funds are designated for children 3.5-5 years of age, to help them prepare or "get ready for Kindergarten.

The Dawson-Boyd School Readiness Program includes funding for scholarships. These scholarships are income based and they are awarded to families to help pay for the cost of preschool programs.

We Strongly encourage you to apply for School Readiness Scholarships as soon as you know that you would like to attend programming to ensure that funds will be available. 

Scholarship applications are available at the Community Education Office located at the Dawson-Boyd High School. For further information, please call 769-2955.

Helpful Websites

Activities, milestones, and helpful information:

Developmental milestones, growth, and information:

Articles, workbooks, and activities: 

Home Visits

Families unable to attend ECFE class may request home visits. 

Visits can include...

* Care of newborns

* Activities for young children

* Discuss parenting and/or child development

* Call 769-4590 ask for Kassi

What is the Cost?

 A sliding fee scale is available. The cost of classes will vary depending on the class, supplies, etc.

Sign up for an ECFE class today! Check out our class offerings at our website under Community Education.

ECFE Class Sliding Fee Schedule

~Class is FREE if current family monthly income is $1,595 or less

~Class is 50% off if income is below guidelines:

~Full class fee is family income exceeds the guidlines above

Household Size                Monthly Income

2                              $2,268.00

3                               $2,857.00

4                                $3, 446.00

5                                $4,035.00

6                                $4,624.00

 7                                $5,5213.00

8                                $5,802.00

Qualifying families will need to mail in their registration using the form or register in the Community Education Office. 

~No families will be turned away due to inability to pay.


I acknowledge and understand that my own or my child's participation in the programs offered is voluntary. I also agree that all activities undertaken by myself or my child as part of the programs described herein is undertaken at the my sole risk and that none of the following entities: Dawson-Boyd Community Education or Dawson-Boyd Schools shall be liable for any claim, demands, injuries, damages, action or causes of action whatsoever to me or to my child or to his/her property due to the negligence of any of the above mentioned entities/organizations, their servants, agents, or employees, arising out of or connected with my child's participation in these programs, and that on behalf of myself and my child I expressly forever release and discharge Dawson-Boyd Community Education, Dawson-Boyd schools, their servants, agents, and employees, from all such claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes of action whatsoever.