Jenny Koortbojian 

Reading Camps

Providing access to high-interest books and fostering literacy skills 

and a love of reading for the girls & boys of Durham

Fall Lineup 2024 

Saturday Academy 

Dates: Sept. 21, Oct. 12, Oct. 26, Nov. 9, Nov. 23, Dec 7, & Dec 21

Durham Nativity School: 1004 N. Magnum, Durham, NC 27701

On-Campus: (Sat, 8:00 am to 12 pm)

Bi-monthly reading classes, outdoor time, crafts, tutoring and snacks. Each Saturday will be a new theme. This school year we plan to get students back on track with reading classes, tutoring, and homework support while doing activities they enjoy! 

Daily Schedule

8:00-9:00-Arrival & Breakfast

9:00-12:00-Classes & Activities 

Noon Dismissal

Cost: $0; all expenses of the camp are  paid for by the Jenny Koortbojian Trust