American History II Syllabus

American History/American History Honors Syllabus

Mrs. Jones


Welcome to American History! I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you over the course of the semester. In American History, we will cover material beginning with the pre-American Revolution and ending with current events. We will examine all aspects of society including politics, economics, culture, and foreign affairs to understand the history of the United States. Equally as important, we will learn to read critically, write clearly, and think broadly. Acquiring and improving each of these skills is necessary to become a productive citizen, and we will tackle these tasks in ways that are challenging but also exciting!

Materials: 1” 3-ring binder, notebook paper, Chromebook, charger, pen/pencil

Class rules and expectations: The classroom environment should be conducive to thinking, listening, and learning. In order to create this type of environment, you must abide by the following guidelines:

  • Be respectful of each other.

  • BE ON TIME! Tardiness will not be tolerated.

  • Profanity is not allowed.

  • Cell phones and ear buds/headphones ARE NOT ALLOWED!

  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom.

  • Be truthful and practice academic honesty. Do not share answers, copy another student’s work, etc.

  • Participation in discussions is encouraged.

Grading: Grades will be calculated using the percentage system below:

  • Unit Tests- 50% points

  • Classwork/Homework- 10%

  • Quizzes- 40%

Tests: Each unit will have a test at the end. All tests for this class will be on paper and will consist of multiple choice, matching, true/false, and short answer style questions.

Classwork/Homework: Classwork assignments will consist of document readings, comprehension questions, political cartoons, song analyses, video guides, etc.

Quizzes: Each topic covered will have a quiz at the end of the lesson. Quizzes will be on paper and consist of multiple choice and true/false questions as well as an opportunity for extra credit.

Late Assignments: Late work will negatively impact your grade. There will be a 5 point per day deduction for anything turned in after the due date.

Make-up Work: If you are absent at any point during the semester, it is your responsibility to make up any missed work. You will be allowed 1 week after your absence to submit anything that you missed.

**Please reach out to me if you have any questions.**