Welcome to Willowbrook High School

Open House 2020

We are so excited to welcome our Warrior families to the Willowbrook High School 2020-2021 school year as well as our Virtual Open House Event. Please find the Bell Schedule for the Event HERE

Please click HERE to view welcome message from our Dupage High School District 88 Board of Education.

We invite you to please click HERE to view a welcome message from Superintendent Dr. Scott Helton and the Dupage High School District 88 administrative team.

Please click HERE as Principal Dr. Dan Krause welcomes you to Willowbrook's First Virtual Open House!


Welcome from the Willowbrook Pupil Personnel Services Department! Please click HERE to meet our school counselors, social workers, psychologists, interns and nurse.

Our teachers look forward to meeting all of our parents and guardians in their Virtual Classrooms during Open House on Wednesday, September 2nd.

The Zoom links to visit your student's classrooms and teachers have been shared in your student's Google Classroom as well as emailed to parent and guardian email addresses.

We encourgage students and parents to attend the virtual open house together.

Below you will find links to a virtual tour of our building as well as information on some of the resources and opportunities available to all students at Willowbrook High School.

Be sure to page all of the way down as you explore the many programs, people, and opportunities at Willowbrook High School!

Click HERE to take a virtual tour of Willowbrook High School first floor!

Click HERE to take a virtual tour of Willowbrook High School lower level!

Click HERE to take a virtual tour of Willowbrook High School third floor!

Please click HERE to view 2020-2021 School Counselor and School Dean Assignments

Please click HERE to view our WBHS Student Resources Page

Click HERE to visit the Guidance Office and meet your School Counselor!

Click HERE to take a Virtual Tour of the Guidance Office website and programs

Click HERE to visit the Social Work Office and meet our social workers and interns.

Click HERE to visit the Dean's Office and meet your School Dean!

Warrior Code.webm

Click the images above and below to learn about the Warrior Code!

remote frosh PBIS.mp4

Click the links HERE to access the resources available from our Nurse's Office.

Click HERE to visit the Library Media Center and investigate the many helpful resources!

Visit virtually with our Library Media Staff during Open House from 7:00 - 9:00pm LINK

Click HERE to visit the Learning Services Department and click HERE to take a virtual tour of the supports and programs offered.

Visit virtually with our Learning Services Department Chair and IEP Coordinator during Open House via Zoom - LINK

Bell Schedule - Block Schedule - WBHS 2020-2021

Click HERE for the 2020-2020 Bell Schedule

Click HERE for a Block Schedule Template for you to edit and personalize!

Getting Started With Google.pdf

Click HERE for a quick guide to Gmail and Google Classroom! Both tools are key for teacher-student communication!

Click HERE to visit our Athletics page to check out information about participating in high school athletics.

Click HERE to see a full list of all WBHS Clubs and Activities


Take a minute to enjoy the Willowbrook Fight Song!

what is warrior time.mp4

Click the image above to learn about Warrior Time!

Scott Forcash.mp4

Click the image above to learn about our New Beginnings - Freshman Mentor Program.

Student Resources.mp4

Click Here to learn about where to go supports and resources!

PROGRESS - Regina Wathier's Topics

Click HERE to learn more about grading, teacher communication, and how to stay organized!

Please consider joining our Willowbrook Parent Groups!

For more information on the Willowbrook Parent Organization, please click HERE

For more information on Willowbrook Athletic Boosters, please click HERE.

For more information on Willowbrook Music Booster, please click HERE.

willowbrook video edit.mp4

Click HERE to learn about the amazing school spirit at Willowbrook!


Listen to a few words from some of our former students speaking about their WBHS experiences!