On Friday 10th May 2024 Year 11 music class performed in their band groups in the garden at the Post Office in Clyde. It was the first time many of them had performed for an audience! We were lucky to have good weather and such a supportive crowd of whanau, friends and teachers. 

Front row: Stephanie McCormack, Olivia Delport, Theo Leyser, Nate Alexander, Ashna Joseph, Iris Leyser

Back Row: Olivia Smith, Izzy Smith, Isabelle Gwatkin, Janene Bennie (Director), Zoe Lietze, AJ Hart, Ayla Wild

                                                                          RISING STARS 2024 

A number of Dunstan students were involved with the recent Alexandra Musical Society's production of Rising Stars. The show is a younger version of Stars in their Eyes.

Dunstan performers included AJ Hart who played two piano pieces, Olivia Delport who performed a classical ballet and a song, Isabelle Smith also performed a song and Nate Alexander stepped up and took on the role as MC. Joel Omond and James Avenell were part of the tech team. The show was slick and a fantastic opportunity for young local talent aged 8-15 years to perform in a semi-professional capacity using a microphone, staging, costumes, makeup, lighting and sound. Congratulations to all involved, well done

Rising Stars MC Nate Alexander

AJ Hart

Olivia Delport

Olivia Delport & Izzy Smith

Izzy Smith

  Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia)



Primary School Students - Tuesday 9th April

High School Students - Wednesday 10th April


Location: DHS Drama Room 3:30 – 5:30


Prepare a song to sing if you are keen to audition for a role!


For more information and relevant material and an audition time

Email Julie


Note: Roles are not gender specific

Performance Dates are: 14, 15, 16, 17 August 2024

Directed by Mr Meissel

                                                         Arts Committee 2024

Front row - Bayley Johnson, Brylee Hazlett, Charlotte Taylor, Nate Alexander, Libby Handford, Aimee Baird, Caitlin Shea

Back Row - Sophie MacDonald, Shannon Kelliher, Isla Nelson, Ilisabeta Vukialau, Clifford Gallagher, Mika Tait, Archie Reid, Joel Omond

Arts Leaders - Aimee Baird, Libby Handford

Royal NZ Ballet Tutor Lauren Byrne came to Dunstan on Thursday 7th March and ran three workshops with students. The workshops were in conjunction with Tutus on Tour, who are currently performing around NZ. Dunstan was fortunate enough to travel to Wanaka on 5th March and attend a Schools Program at the Wanaka Events Centre. The RNZB performed some pieces from Swan Lake along with a contemporary piece choreographed by a member of RNZB. 

Students involved were from Junior Drama Year 9/10, Senior Drama Year 11/12/13 and Showquest students. The workshops were thoroughly enjoyed by all.

On Monday, November 27 2023, a group of Year 9 & 10 students took to the streets, to perform and entertain for the public of Alexandra. This was part of the junior electives, in which groups of students worked towards giving back to the community. The music was a huge success, and the students raised $61.90 to donate to the Salvation Army! Some memorable performances included Cooper Lerew's Fur Elise, and the year 9's rendition of Zombie. Well done, students!

11th & 12th Nov 2023 Year 10 student, Max Smith performed with the Central Otago Regional Orchestra in their "Country Airs" concert series, presenting concerts in Wanaka and Cromwell.

In preparation for the concerts, Max learned to play the Timpani (large orchestral drums) mastering drum rolls, counting bars, tuning and how to follow a score. 

The only teenager in the orchestra, Max made a great impression. He pitched in to move gear, practised diligently and conducted himself impeccably throughout. Well done, Max! 


Awarded to a student who embodies the joy of theatre.

We are very excited to have been given permission from Sir Sam Neill to have this new award named in his honour. As you may be aware, Sir Sam continues to enjoy a very successful career in film and television and is a local identity who describes his home in Central Otago as his 'nirvana'. Sir Sam's humble beginnings began in the theatre and it is a huge honour to have his endorsement for this award.

The inaugural recipient of this award embodies the joy of theatre, entirely. They are a student whose love for theatre oozes from every pore. The joy that they bring to their work is an absolute pleasure to witness, and a glorious sparkle accompanies them in everything they do. It should also be mentioned that on several occasions the recipient has been seen running to class! Their energy, enthusiasm and dedication enriches our theatre space and is an absolute inspiration to those around them. 

It gives great pleasure to present the SIR SAM NEILL AWARD FOR THEATRE ENRICHMENT to NEO DORREPAAL.

Well done Neo!

The Annual Senior Drama Christmas Tree Competition 2023 won by Year 13.

An outdoor concert was held on Thursday 7th September 2023. A variety of songs and dances were performed by students in the lovely surrounds of the performing arts area.

40 of our 50 Dunstan Kapa Haka Rōpū performed at the Murihiku Polyfest in Invercargill 24th August 2023. Matua Johni and Whaea Shells could have not been prouder of our rangatahi and their performance.

They performed a set of six waiata and haka which they have been learning since the start of the year. Once completed they were celebrated by Haka from schools from all around Central, Otago/Ōtākau and Southland and wider whānau. We thank Cromwell College in particular, for staying to support us with a haka. You can watch their performance on

6.22.30hrs into the video.

A Few Good Men are back in business! If you enjoy having a sing without the pressure of performance, come along and enjoy the company of Mr Meissel and the lads on Tuesdays from 6-7pm in the music room singing the songs we like!

Congratultions Caples winners of the Musical Mayhem Inter-house Competition 2023!

2nd - Pyke

3rd - Rees

4th Haast

Best Dancer - Judde Paris

Best Acting Performance - Korbyn Miller

Best Storyline - Caples

The Semester One Year 9 Art class looked to the work of Luke O'Sullivan for inspiration when faced with the issue of global warming and rising sea levels. They were challenged to present a solution for housing around the coast line. It was decided to go up. Given a week of class time they came up with individual solutions only to be faced with another problem of limited ground space. The end result was a crowded island.

Materials were limited to recycled cardboard and off cuts of wood found in the throw bin of the woodwork room.

The Inter-house Haka Challenge took place on the last day of Term 2 Friday 30th June. A well deserved win to Pyke.

                                            Inter-House Haka Trophy 2023 won by Pyke

Henry Francis, from the band Soaked Oats, came and spent two days with our music students. The focus of the visit was on composition, and Henry worked with bands and individuals to help develop and add depth to their composition work. It was a valuable experience for our students, who came away with more insight into their own creative process. 

Andrew Baird Yr11

22nd & 27th June 2023

                                                                              Showquest 2023

On Friday 19th May, after months of rehearsal, planning, choreography and set design, 40 Dunstan students took off to Invercargill to perform at the Southland/Otago regional Showquest competition. All our dancers, from year 9 to year 13 performed their hearts out, resulting in gaining awards for Best Theme as well as the ZM Soundtrack Award and Highly Commended Lighting. Starla Hubber & Rose Wearing, Choreographers. Well done!

Congratulations Mika Tait & Rose Wearing our new Arts Leaders for 2023. Both Mika and Rose are very talented in their own right and will make fine ambassadors for DHS Arts!

If you love to sing, join the choir! We practice every Tuesday  7- 8.30pm. We attend events throughout the year including the Big Sing in June. If you need to know anything else see Mrs Barnes or Mr Meissel.

Year 10 Drama Tour 2022 - Mr Meissel's Drama class went on tour and performed a Christmas play at eight different primary schools from Millersflat to Oamaru. 

George Hazlett Yr13 playing guitar with the Jordan Luck Band at Blossom Festival 24th September 2022!

Kapa Haka group performed at Murihiku Polyfest in Invercargill on Thursday afternoon 25th August 2022. They were a credit to our Kura and they are now looking forward to building on their set for the future. Thank you to those who supported us, especially to Uru Uru Whenua for supporting us with the transport. Such a wonderful experience!

Below is the link if you would like to check them out. - 3hrs 19 minutes in is our performance!

Me whakahihi ka tika. (You should feel/be proud). I am incredibly proud to be a Kaiako of these wonderful rangatahi. 

Whaea Shells and Matua Johni.

Dunstanza Choir

If you want to join the school choir, now is a great time to do it. We are about to learn some new songs and have a number of performances lined up. We practice in the school hall on Tuesday nights from 7 to 9pm. 

Our school choir is pretty well known in NZ and we get to travel around and perform in some pretty amazing places. 

If you would like more information please speak to Mrs Barnes or Mr Meissel.

Dunstanza performing at Sacred Heart Basilica during their visit at the Cadenza Competition, Timaru 12-14 August 2022. 

Showquest Results for 2022

Congratualtions Dunstan for coming 3rd overall. Also well done to Vanessa Gallagher and Rose Wearing for winning Best Choreography and to James Avenell and Connor McDowall for winning Best Lighting, a fantastic effort! 

The competition took place at the Civic Theatre, Invercargill on 20th June. Please click on the link below to view photos. Dunstan is under the Southland Region.

Showquest photos 

Dunstanza went to Dunedin on the 13th June and performed at the Big Sing in Knox Church. Although Dunstanza never came away with any awards, they have been selected to sing at Cadenza in Timaru on 12th & 13th August. This involves 12 choirs selected from the South Island Region to sing competitively and attend valuable workshops. Well done Dunstanza!

                                            Nika Casbolt and George Hazlett  - Arts Leaders for 2022

Nika has been playing the violin for about 10 years now and through her time at Dunstan has thoroughly enjoyed getting involved in the arts. Some of the things Nika loved getting involved in was being in both choirs, the Art Showcase, productions and Dance-off. Her goal this year is to get more of the younger years involved in the arts and be a role model.

George loves heavy metal, computers and just about anything arts related. He is very friendly and approachable about any ideas or ambitions in regards to the arts.

Dunstanza is back for 2022

It is not to late to join, if you would like to be part of the choir please see Mrs Barnes or Mr Meissel over in the performing arts office.

Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the school hall.

If you're in year 9 or new to the school you are most welcome to join!!

Showquest 2022 - Coming Up - 20th June - Civic Theatre, Invercargill

OSTAS Nominations 2021 - (Otago Southland Theatre Awards)


Dunstan has been nominated for Best Props, Best Set, Best Youth/High School Production and Maz Cameron has been nominated for Best Leading Male in a Musical.

Unfortunately the event that was set to go ahead this Saturday, 26th Feb 2022 in Gore, has been cancelled. However the very-silver lining is that the event will now be streamed live on Facebook. If you're keen to check it out, go onto FB and like the page 'OSTA's - Otago Southland Theatre Awards'. 

The live event streams this Saturday night from 7:30 p.m.

Get out the popcorn and put the champagne on ice! 

Ngā mihi nui,

Nick Meissel

No award for Maz, but Dunstan High is very proud that he was nominated along side some very talented and professional NZ performers. Well done Maz, your nomination was well deserved!!

At the World's Edge Festival String Performance 2021

Music students were treated to a wonderful classical performance by six very talented string musicians, in the school hall Wednesday 20th October. The group including professionals, and up and coming talent have been performing concerts around Central Otago. Members of the group included: Jack Moyer (cello), Peter Gjelsten (viola), Benjamin Baker (violin, Artistic Director), Aly (violin), Alex McFarlane (viola), Marike Kruup (violin), Justine Cormack (Festival Director) and Salina Fisher (Composer).

Dunstanza Choir -  Big Sing Tour June 2021

Here is the link to watch Showquest 2021, Dunstan is approximately 26 minutes in if you just want to watch their performance. Congratulations to everybody who participated and to Maia Adams Yr13 who led the choreography and was assisted by Vanessa Gallagher. Dunstan won Best Lighting & Best Theme - well done!

Emma Kelliher & Maz Cameron  Arts Leaders 2021.


Thank you to all of the staff and students who helped make 'Little Shop of Horrors' a great success. For those of you lucky enough to attend the production, we're sure you'll agree it was an entertaining show!

Our special thanks to Mr Meissel and Mrs Barnes for bringing it all together. Their passion and vision are clearly present in the work presented onstage. 

We look forward to the next one!

Click HERE to view photos from the season.

Hands-On at Otago 2021 - Tansy Kerrisk

Over the summer holidays, I had the amazing opportunity to attend Hands-On at Otago 2021 along with 400 other students from across New Zealand. This was a week at Otago University staying in a residential hall and participating in projects to give high school students going into years 12 and 13 a feel for university life. While there, I participated in the Music Production Project where 9 of us spent 4 days in a professional recording studio recording a cover of the Maroon 5 song This Love. It was the most incredible experience working with our project leaders in the studio and being able to work with like-minded people who all had a passion for music. I had the most amazing time participating in all the activities and getting a feel for what university life is like while also meeting incredible people. If you ever have the chance to apply I definitely recommend as it was incredible and has given some insight as to what university life is like.