Testing and Exams


PSATs - October 2023

Please see Mrs. Drahushak to register


To register for an exam, visit College Board

CEEB Code: 391-053

SAT TEST DATES 2023-24 revised.docx


To register for an exam, visit ACT.org

CEEB Code: 391-053

ACT TEST DATES 2023-24.docx


With thousands of different jobs for enlisted personnel and officers, there’s a lot to do in the Military. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program can help young adults identify and explore potentially satisfying occupations and develop effective strategies to realize career goals. The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is one of the most widely used, multiple-aptitude tests in the world, developed and maintained by the Department of Defense. More than half of all high schools nationwide administer the ASVAB test to students in grades 10, 11 and 12 (sophomores cannot use their scores for enlistment eligibility). Students may also take the test at another school or through a recruiter and may retake the test at any time. The ASVAB consists of the following eight individual tests:  General Science  Arithmetic Reasoning  Word Knowledge  Paragraph Comprehension  Mathematics Knowledge  Electronics Information  Auto and Shop Information  Mechanical Comprehension Students are provided with scores on each of these individual tests and three Career Exploration Score composites: Verbal Skills, Math Skills and Science and Technical Skills. The battery takes approximately three hours to complete, and test results are returned to schools in a few weeks. The Military uses students’ ASVAB scores to identify the occupations that best suit their abilities. Junior, senior and postsecondary school students can use their ASVAB scores for enlistment for up to two years after taking the test. For more information on the ASVAB, go to https://www.officialasvab.com/

The date of the next ASVAB exam is April 11th. There is no fee to take this exam. Please see Mrs. Drahushak to register.