Karrer MS

Fall Sports Sign-up

Since the Karrer Middle School Athletics Coach Staff could not meet with our rising 7th and 8th Grade students to discuss the upcoming season, this site has been created to sign your child up for Karrer Middle School Fall Sports.


#1- Complete Google Form. Click on the sport above that you are interested in participating in the Fall, and complete the form embedded in the page. This information will be received by the Head Coach and your child will be "signed up." Please sign up no later than 6/30/2020. Contact the coach directly if you need to sign-up past this deadline.

If your child plans on trying out for a cut sport, you can sign your child up for that sport AND a non-cut sport (as a back-up plan).

#2- Final Forms. Create a Final Forms account at https://dublin-oh.finalforms.com. Both the parent AND student-athlete must create a Final Forms account AND sign all necessary forms for the Fall. The account needs to be created and all forms need to be signed by 8/1/2020. Make sure you specify the sports your child plans on trying out for/playing on Final Forms. This will ensure you are on the coaches' e-mail group.

#3- OHSAA Physical. Schedule a Physical Exam with your family physician. Have him/her complete the required OHSAA Physical Form (this can be found below). These are valid for (1) year. A valid form needs to be submitted to Athletic Director Heath O'Neal or Head Trainer Corey Blattler (blattler_corey@dublinschools.net) by 8/1/2020.

If you have any questions, please contact Athletic Director Heath O'Neal at oneal_heath@dublinschools.net.


OHSAA Physical Form (English)


OHSAA Physical Form (Spanish)