

Grades will be updated weekly in CSIU


1.5 in or larger 3 ring binder

5 tabbed dividers



lined paper


In order to succeed and keep up to date, read over your notes for 10 minutes a day!

Also... in order to succeed in 7th grade science...

Bring all materials to class.

Bring yourself ready to learn and participate.

Study/Review each day to lighten the "load" at the end of the week!

How to contact me?

If you need to contact me, call the middle school office at 674-7245 and leave a message with the administrative assistants. For a more immediate response contact me via email: abrudnicki @ d s dh s .c o m

Can I get extra copies of homework and/or notes?

In order to encourage students to be more responsible and organized they will only be given one copy of each assignment. However, I will have the "board" notes posted in my Google Classroom.

Do you offer extra credit?

Extra credit will not be offered. Science grades are based on the degree to which each student understands or demonstrates the state mandated standards and anchors.

How do I check my grade/my child's grade?

An online system of grading is currently offered by the Dallas School District. Parents/guardians have received notification and directions.

When are grades reported to parents?

Grades are formally reported 4 times per school year. All students get reports cards at the end of each quarter. In addition, parent teacher conferences are conducted throughout the school year (2 times per year). For additional updates, contact me by phone or email.

What is your homework and testing philosophy?

Daily work (classwork and homework) is considered to be a formative assessment, meaning that it aids students in forming an understanding of the PA Science anchors and standards. Similar to practices in athletics it

gives both the student and teacher an idea of how they are doing, what they

need to work on and how they may do on an upcoming summative assessment (test, quiz, lab, etc.).Formative assessments will account for only a small portion of your child's grade. It is expected that students will make

mistakes while practicing new information and will not be penalized for it.

Chapter tests, Quarterly Exams, labs, quizzes, and state standardized tests can all be summative assessments. These are summaries of what a student knows and can do after completing the formative assessments described above. Summative assessments therefore, will make up a larger part of the students' points earned per quarter. All of the work we do is in preparation for the summative assessments where students will demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, or comprehension of a state mandated standard or anchor. The grade a student earns in science class will be a representation of what each student is able to do and the degree to which they can do it. Students will have multiple opportunities to prove what they can do on these summative assessments.

Do you provide any study guides or supplemental help?

YES! Each topic of study begins with a list of learning goals that the student is expected to demonstrate by the end of the chapter(s). In addition, I am available for assistance during study halls, activity periods, and I am usually at school by 7:10 AM.

What is your policy for absenteeism?

We all know that 'life happens'. If a student is absent for a graded assignment, they will have three days upon their return to make up the assignment or it will be recorded as a zero. Assignments and deadlines are posted on the web page and calendar every day, so a student should not have to use the excuse that they don't have the homework because they were absent. Extenuating circumstances (such as lengthy illness or family problems) should be dealt with by the student speaking candidly with me before or after class. I do expect that students will make every effort to come to class prepared to move forward with their studies.