
"Open our minds to discover new things about you and the world." - Sacred Heart Mission Prayer

What is Geography?

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment, and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time 


At Sacred Heart, our geography curriculum is designed to develop children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.  Children investigate a range of places – both in Britain and abroad – to help develop their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes.


We are committed to providing children with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Roehampton and South West London so that they can develop of real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special.


Through high quality teaching, at Sacred Heart we aim to help children develop:


• An excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like, both in Britain and the wider world;

• A comprehensive understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected;

• An extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary;

• Fluency in complex, geographical enquiry and the ability to apply questioning skills, as well as effective presentation techniques;

• The ability to reach clear conclusions and explain their findings;

• Excellent fieldwork skills as well as other geographical aptitudes and techniques;

• The ability to express well-balanced opinions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current issues in society and the environment;

• A genuine interest in the subject and a real sense of curiosity about the world and the people who live here.


In Early Years, Geography is taught within topics through the ‘Understanding the World’ EYFS Development Matters Framework. Children begin to develop their geographical knowledge by exploring features of our school. Children have opportunities to make use of school grounds to enhance and apply their skills as geographers. Throughout the year, children observe and discuss the weather and seasonal changes. Children learn about the different jobs which people do in our community and are introduced to the idea that there are different countries in the world in which we live.

As children move into Key Stage 1, they build on these strong foundations, developing their locational awareness, geographical skills and knowledge of physical and human geography. As well as learning about local geography, children enjoy having the opportunity to learn about different countries and places around the world.

Our children’s learning is enriched through a variety of experiences to enhance their knowledge of the world around them. Our school grounds and local area provide excellent opportunities for fieldwork.

In Years 1 – 6, Geography is taught in a 6-8 week block of lessons. Each Unit of Work has been carefully written by Oddizzi using the guidance of the Geographical Association. The schemes of work we follow are aligned with the National Curriculum requirements for geography and ensure progressive, comprehensive curriculum coverage across all year groups. 

Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:

Year 4:

Year 5:

Year 6:


We strive to ensure that our children's attainment in Geography is in line with or exceeding their potential when we consider the varied starting points of children. We measure this carefully using a range of materials, but always considering Age Related Expectations. There is a clear progression of learning from year group to year group, with opportunities to regularly revisit topics covered in previous year groups to recall information and facts. 


Through lesson observations, pupil voice questionnaires, pupil interviews and book scrutinies, it is evident that pupils achieve well and enjoy geography.  Children’s work across the school shows they undertake a wide range of activities and they show increasing levels of independence with their learning. 


Through questioning, sharing ideas, exploring the world and working together, children are able to develop the character traits that we value at Sacred Heart:  equality, friendship, trust, cooperation, respect and care for the environment and people living in other countries and from different cultures.  Children will have a clear understanding of issues relating to our ever changing (and interconnected) world including looking after and protecting the planet.  Only by really learning what these mean will our children be able to develop a character that prepares them for living in the local and global community, demonstrating respect, tolerance and equality.

Future Careers and Studies in Geography

Children learn the importance of how geography can lead to many exciting careers and opportunities. Famous geographers and explorers are spoken about and are linked to the different topics taught throughout the school. Geography also involves many transferable skills, such as research, observation, measurement, recording and presentation.

Where Can Geography Take You.pdf


Geography Curriculum Progression NEW.pdf

Sacred Heart Whole School Geography Curriculum Overview Map.pdf