Status of 2019-2020 Yearbook

Current Status - ON HOLD

Thank you so much for your interest in a DSA Yearbook. As a result of the closure, our completion of the final product is currently 'on hold until further notice.' I have talked with Strawbridge (our publisher) and my staff, and we are all dedicated to continuing our work at the earliest possible moment. We believe a physical book documenting this year is more important than ever, so we are going to publish a book for the 2019-2020 school year.

I cannot give you a 100% certain answer on the time-frame, but I imagine we are looking at a publication and delivery in the late summer or fall. Please go ahead and order through (school code: yb100136), and we will make sure your student gets a book!

Stay safe!

Help Us Create the Yearbook!


Good Morning, DSA!

This is Christopher Fowler with a Yearbook Announcement.

Yearbooks have always been snapshots of a year--a way to commemorate, celebrate, and remember the events of our shared days at school. Sometimes these events are small: an open mic night, a science experiment, an assembly, a sports game. Other times, these events are big: a local gas explosion or a global pandemic crisis.

As a yearbook staff, we are committed to capturing the reality of these strange times in a physical artifact, and we need your help.

If you follow the on-screen website link, you will find several digital forms that will ask you to submit photos or answer questions. All form responses will be seen and read by the DSA Yearbook Staff, and we will notify you if your content makes the final cut.

Responses are open to students, teachers, and staff within the DSA Community--please complete with your school accounts. The link will be posted on the Student Services and Student Council Instagram pages, and we will also include this information in the Daily Announcements Email.

Thank you for your time--we are honored to serve DSA in this way. Despite our concerns for the present, we are excited about returning in the future and sharing our hard work with you and your families.