Skinner Cares Day Videos

Down below are some videos to use if there is extra time or to show after Skinner Cares Day!

What do you think the elves represent?

Would you give up on the plane if it didn't work?

Would you help the little elf?

Do you think that you could become friends with someone you aren't really close with?

What would you do if you were in this situation?

How could you have solved this problem before it had escalated?

How can you prevent bullying?

How could you stand up for people if you were in this situation?

How would you feel if you were in either situation?(bully or person getting bullied)

How could you lend a hand to help someone out?

Do you feel good when you help someone out?

Do you like to help people out and/or how do you help people out?

Would you judge the people when the were surrounded by people?

Have you ever felt the same way as the red head?

Would you share your heart with either gender?

Have you ever felt like you had to be someone else to fit in?

Have you ever been close to getting rid of something you love because of others thoughts?

Would you ever change your image for someone else's liking?

Would you give up on your dreams if you were told no?

How do you appreciate people in your life that do the most for you?

How would you feel once you accomplished your lifelong goal?

How would you feel if you were the dog or human?

Do you think having a disability from someone else are you any different?

Would you feel different if you had a disability or if you do, do you feel like you are any different from others?

Would you believe in yourself during this time if you wanted to become something most people thought you couldn't be?

Would you go on the challenger knowing the risks?

How would you see the future like Ron with possibility or his brother with fiction?

How has time changed from the Civil Rights Movement?