Role of the School Nurse

  • ​​​Response to immediate health concerns as they arise during the school day

  • Concussion Management

  • Assisting students with chronic disease in the management of their health care (insuring accommodations and support for students with chronic conditions)

  • Response to emergency health situations

  • Case manager for 504s due to medical conditions

  • Member of the Social/Emotional/Mental Health team

  • Train/Educate staff about the health conditions of the students in their classes

  • Link students and families to health care and other needed resources

  • Telehealth appointments to primary care providers through Hazel Health and Denver Health

  • Dental, Hearing and Vision screenings and referrals

  • Serve as the consultant for IEPs related to medical needs

  • Oversee immunization rates and adherence

  • Focus on school community wellness and population health