October Email

Happy Fall Region II!

I hope that you have gotten a chance to get outside to enjoy some of the beautiful fall colors before the "other stuff" peeks its head out. I just wanted to send a few reminders/tips. Now is the time to begin talking to your members about what competitive events they want to compete in. I am including a slideshow developed by one of our Region 6 advisers, feel free to copy and adjust to your needs. Before you know it, you’ll be heading back to Athens, WI for the 70th Regional Leadership Conference. Here are a few opportunities and resources available to your chapter as we start off the year:

Wisconsin Fall Leadership Conference: This year Wisconsin FBLA will be hosting the Wisconsin Fall Leadership Conference as an alternative to the National Fall Leadership Conference.  The conference will be held at the Madison Marriott West  in Middleton, WI on October 30-31st. Wisconsin FBLA members will have the opportunity to attend workshops and network with individuals from all over the state during this event.  Registration for this conference will be $65. Hurry, registration closes tomorrow (Friday, October 13) at 4 p.m.  

Competitive Event Guidelines: Wisconsin competitive event guidelines are available now.  As you start to discuss competitive events with your students, please refer to the National Guidelines. Here is the link to the 23-24 Topics. You can also use the slideshow if you'd like.

Changes in Events:

Changes to Procedure

Regional Websites:  Please use the Wisconsin FBLA website for your primary needs. If you have Region II specific questions, you can use the Wisconsin FBLA Region II Leadership Conference website as a resource!  This website will be updated throughout the year as more information about RLC becomes available.

Dressed to Impress: Start the new school year looking your best. FBLA is offering a scholarship to provide business attire for a member from each division (Middle School, High School, and Collegiate). Applications are open now and must be submitted before 11:59 PM on October 15th. Visit this link for the application.

Upcoming Deadlines

WI FBLA Calendar

October 15th Dress to Impress Scholarship Deadline

October 16 LifeSmarts Competition begins

October 16 or 23 FBLA Advanced Connect Training

October 27 Fall Stock Market Game Registration

October 30-31 WFLC

11/8 Champion Chapter “Shaping Success” forms due

11/15 American Enterprise Day

11/17 World Prematurity Day

State Officer Initiatives:

Chapter Visits--Would your chapter like to connect with the state officer team? Complete the State Officer Visit Form and we will connect a state officer with you and your chapter virtually or in-person.

WI FBLA Recognition Form--In the past we had a way for chapters to submit a Member of the Month for outstanding accomplishments. This year we want to celebrate not only our members, but our Chapters and Advisers. Each month WI FBLA will recognize one in each category. 

Community Service Toolkit--Your WI FBLA State Officers have created this toolkit to help chapters and members start thinking about the community service project your chapter will accomplish this year. Don’t forget there is a chapter competitive event for Community Service Project.

WI FBLA YouTube Channel--This summer your state officers worked on creating engaging videos to add to the WI FBLA YouTube Channel. Currently, Local Chapter Officer Training videos are being released on Instagram and will be uploaded to the YouTube channel in the Local Chapter Officer Training Playlist..

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions that you have about Wisconsin FBLA this year!  I can be reached most easily via email at mmurkowski@athens1.org and Jennifer at region2vp@wifbla.org. We look forward to working with you and making the 2023-24 school year a great one for Region II FBLA!


Michelle Murkowski

Athens High School

Business & Information Technology Education

FBLA Adviser