December Email

Welcome to December Region II!

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and was able to find some time to relax. As we flip the calendar, I wanted to send a few quick reminders of upcoming dates and resources to help get ready for RLC.

Mark your calendar:

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions!  I can be reached most easily via email at or Jennifer at  

Have a great Friday and I can't wait to see you all in February! In the meantime, enjoy your December! 

Helpful Resources (recap from November message):

Getting Ready for Competitive Events

Wisconsin FBLA Competitive Events

Bookmark this! And be sure to look through the

Help students choose an event

Pick an event  Flowchart 

Events that don’t require a student to attend RLC in person

Pre-RLC Events

Event sign up sheet 

Event Sign up Form

Getting Ready for Regional Leadership Conference (RLC)

Wisconsin FBLA-Start here!

**WI FBLA Website

Questions related directly to Region II information--check often

Check Region II website first

Schedule…coming soon!

We are working on the day's Tentative Schedule and will continue to post updates as details are finalized on the Region II website. For schools that are working on busing, registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. so you can get those buses scheduled.

Wisconsin FBLA Updates

Be sure to take a look at the presentation given at WFLC which points out a number of changes/updates for the 2023-2024 year.

Wisconsin FBLA 2023-2024 Updates