Meet Mr Wheeler

Student Wellbeing

Positive education

Positive Education brings together the science of Positive Psychology with best practice teaching to encourage and support individuals, schools and communities to flourish.

Flourishing is a combination of ‘feeling good and doing good’. Positive Education focuses on specific skills that assist students to strengthen their relationships, build positive emotions, enhance personal resilience, promote mindfulness and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Through teaching these valuable life skills, SBCC provides its students with an increased capacity to learn effectively, as well as offering them a strong foundation on which they can build a successful life.

Positive education is the combination of traditional education principles with the study of happiness and wellbeing, using Martin Seligman‘s PERMA model and the Values in Action (VIA) classification.

Student wellbeing & expectations

Some of the basic values of the Benedictine tradition are about community, stewardship and discipline. These values mean that each one of us needs to ensure that we make the best use of our talents and allow those around us to do the same. In this way, it is expected that all students at St Benedict’s will work to the best of their ability and behave in a way that enables others to do the same. To this end, it is expected that students will, at all times, be courteous to staff and other students, and to show them respect, both in and out of class.

In Class

All St Benedict’s students are expected to cooperate positively in class so that all students have an equal share of the teacher’s attention. Eating is not permitted in class, except on special occasions with a teacher present. Rooms must not be occupied before school or during recess and lunch breaks, unless an activity is being held and is supervised by a teacher.