Meet Mrs Logue

Director of Mission & Vision

Religious Education Coodinator

Prayer of St Benedict

Gracious and Holy Father

Give us wisdom to perceive you

Intelligence to understand you

Diligence to see you

Patience to wait for you

Eyes to behold you

A heart to mediate on you

And a life to proclaim you

Through the power of the

Spirit of Jesus Christ Our Lord



Be still and Know that I am God

Be still and know that I am

Be still and know

Be still


St Benedict - Pray for us

Mission and Vision

The Mission and Vision of Religious Education in the Diocese of Wollongong sees Catholic schools as being called to be real and living expressions of the church’s pastoral mission in the world. As centres of ‘the New Evangelisation’ they proclaim and give witness to a living encounter with Christ. Catholic schools nurture students in their lifelong journey in faith and help them develop as mature educated citizens empowered to shape and enrich the world by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives.

As an integral expression of Church, schools have the opportunity to support students and their families in connecting with the Catholic Christian tradition and accessing the richness of its spiritual heritage. Through quality Religious Education, rich experiences of prayer and celebration, engagement in social action and justice, students are supported in developing their relationship with God and responding to the experience and action of God in their own lives.

Religious Education is a lifelong process. Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children and the family is generally the first place where children come to Christian faith. Catholic Schools provide Religious Education to nourish and develop the faith of students in partnership with the family, parish and local community. Within the contemporary Catholic school the task of Religious Education has two distinct but complementary dimensions: a) teaching students religion – focused on developing religious literacy and building the capacity of students to participate in a critical and effective way in the life of the church community and of the wider society; and b) teaching students to be religious, focused on nurturing the religious, spiritual and faith development of students.

St Benedict’s Catholic College is a diverse, dynamic community who aims to develop the Gospel Imperatives through the education of young people. This is fostered by embracing an educational partnership with both home and the parish. As a Catholic College, set in a Benedictine tradition, we respond to the challenge to instill within the students, as modelled by St Benedict,

a love of God;

a love of neighbour;

a love of learning;

Furthermore, in developing the notion of “Something To Strive For and Nothing To Run From” students will have opportunities to experience:

Encountering God - Students are guided to a discovery of God through scripture, prayer, liturgy, tradition and parish communities by reading the scriptures, and

following in the Benedictine tradition, so students encounter the real person of Christ and that they may live a Christian life where Christ “May be my Light”.

Promoting Educational Excellence - Students are empowered to reach their potential and become lifelong learners through the development of independent and creative thinking within a contemporary context. This is achieved in the classroom by understanding the Big Ideas and Essential Questions of units and providing a platform where they may be explored.

Nurturing Individual Growth - The individuality and dignity of all members of our community is acknowledged, and their gifts valued. Members are encouraged and supported to embrace their uniqueness in God’s creation, to grow into the most full person possible and do so with confidence become a light to the world.

Practical Experiences

Students at St Benedict’s have an opportunity to live and experience their faith through many avenues.

Prayer Life

In order to guide students in their prayers life, a Prayer Focus is given each week. In addition, all students pray the College Mantra everyday and students have the option of attending our Friday Rosary every week.

Retreat experiences:

The College holds a reflection day for each year group, Year 7 ”Ways People Pray”.

Celebration of Mass

Students at St Benedict’s have many opportunities to celebrate Mass. The entire College celebrates the Opening School Mass, Feast Day Mass and End of year Mass together. In addition, and built into teaching programs, students will have the opportunity to celebrate a liturgy at the end of each unit in either their class or year group.

Units of Study

Year 7

  • What it means to be Catholic?

  • Bible: Sacred Scripture

  • Stewardship,

  • Ways People Pray

  • Affirming Human Dignity

For additional information please refer to the St Benedict's Catholic College website