Mrs. Kirk Bio

Thank you for taking this opportunity to visit my teacher page! I am excited to start my sixth year here at Saint Louis School and my fifth year as part of the fifth grade team! Saint Louis has such a strong sense of community and faith among the families and staff alike.

I love teaching and working with children! I realized this in high school while teaching Religious Education at my home parish of St. Vincent de Paul. I kept this calling in my heart and went on to study chemistry and ultimately biochemistry at St. Bonaventure University. Following that call to education, I went on to Nazareth College and earned my Masters of Education in Elementary Education.

I was hired by the diocese shortly after finishing my student teaching, and taught for 2-1/2 years at Holy Cross School as a fourth grade teacher. I then accepted a fourth grade position at St. Pius Tenth School. In my 14 year at Saint Pius, I taught 4th grade for 5 years, and then moved to 6th grade for 9 years. The common thread through all of these assignments was science! I was the designated science teacher at 4th grade, then at 5th and 6th grade. I have found that I am able to use my deep background to help explain concepts in a very basic and relate-able way. (And if you followed the math, this is my 21st year teaching!)

When I am not at school, I am with my family. My husband and I have been married for 21 years, and we have a 15 year old son, George! I love to bake, crochet, exercise, and play piano. George keeps us busy with his many interests of swimming, piano, and Scouts. Mine is a busy and blessed life!