Fall 2025 Cycle

Fall 2025 - Year 3

The purpose of opening a second cycle in AY22/23 is to begin to support moving to a longer development process for bachelor’s degree proposals one time per academic year. This was a common theme in the survey of colleges regarding the AY 21/22 cycle process. The following proposal guidelines provide time for MCCCD to focus on the success of and learn from initial program offerings, help us maximize and stay flexible within available funding allocations, and stay aligned with the legislative intent/current political landscape and HLC accreditation guidance on adding new programs.

Key Components:

Proposal Process & Forms

INTERNAL USE ONLY_DO NOT DISTRIBUTE_Bachelor’s Degree Programs Notification of Interest Form

DUE FEBRUARY 13, 2023: Notification of Interest

INTERNAL ONLY_DO NOT DISTRIBUTE_Fall 2025_Proposal Process MCCCD Bachelor's Degrees

DUE MARCH 31, 2023: Guidelines for full proposal. Colleges will be invited to complete after review of the Notification of Interest.

Cycle Timeline

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