5th Grade Band

Welcome to

5th grade band!

6th grade band students generally meet every M, W, and F.

Our text book is "Essential Elements, 2000, Book 1," and various performance pieces.


Students are generally graded in three categories:

1) Assignment Sheets and Rehearsal Habits (see below)

2) Performance Tests - These are either performed in class, over a Google Voice telephone number or observed at concerts. (see below)

3) Written worksheets and quizzes

Assignment Sheets

Assignment sheets will be handed out on Mondays. They have one week to complete them. Students should look at the concepts and exercises we'll be studying for the week and set specific goals for themselves. If you have any questions about practice assignments, please email Mrs. Funderburg at mfunderburg@dmcsemail.org.

Lost assignment? Go to your band Google Classroom and look under assignments. Print page 1, complete it and turn it in.

Late or forgotten assignment? Turn it in the following Monday for a slightly reduced grade.

Performance Tests - Recordings

Directions for making a flipgrid -

1) Log on to flipgrid.com.

2) Enter the code - 5thband2021.

3) Log in with your google account.

4) Follow the assignment directions.

5) Be on the lookout for a response from Mrs. Funderburg.

Performance Tests - Concerts

5th grade band will be performing at the following events:

Winter Band and Choir Concert - Thursday, December 2, 7 PM

Spring Band and Choir Concert - Thursday, May 5, 7:00 PM

Concert Attire for 5th grade: Any dressy, modest "church clothes." Because we sit in front of the audience, skirts and dresses should be longish or worn with leggings. Ties are optional and encouraged.

What do I do if my child is struggling?

Please contact Mrs. Funderburg at mfunderburg@dmcsemail.org or call or text before 9PM. Phone number is listed in the school directory.

I'd love to help your musician any way I can - Mrs. F.