Physical tech from GO to WHOA!

This series of activities introduces Physical Tech by building on coding skills from the Australian Digital Technologies curriculum at Year Levels 5-10.

Start with the BBC micro:bit only to revise skills in algorithms and coding. Then, use modules from the Boson range to build physical tech designs for real-world interactions and data gathering. Each activity includes extension tasks and ideas for freeform projects to allow opportunities for design thinking.

Visual Code edition

Snap-together code for the MakeCode environment.

JavaScript edition

TypeScript code for the MakeCode environment.

Python edition (6 projects only)

Python code for the online Python Editor.

About the authors

Nathan Alison

Nathan taught Digital Technologies, VCE Computing and Software Development in Victoria for 11 years before beginning work for DLTV.

He brings a background in Computer Systems Engineering and years of hobby coding, as well as a keen desire to help teachers with more complex Computer Science concepts through clear explanations and relevant activities.

Sanjin Dedić

Sanjin has a B.Eng in Mechatronic Systems majoring in Robotics and Computer Vision and spent several years working industry as an Engineer. He then retrained as a teacher and taught Systems Engineering and Digital Technologies at a secondary level.

Recently he has been developing a series of technology programs for G.A.T.E.WAYS (gifted and talented education) covering everything from coding, robotics, applied mathematics and microcontrollers. As a head of eLearning at Techxellent he has combined his technological expertise with his educational experience to create innovative teacher training programs and resources.

About DLTV

This resource was authored by Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria.

Based in the state of Victoria, Australia, DLTV provides support, events and resources in the teaching and learning of Digital Technologies and ICT capabilities.

Check out our annual conference, DigiCon.

About DFRobot

DFRobot designs and manufactures electronic parts and components, including the Boson Starter Kit for micro:bit and Boson Science Kit used in Modules 2 and 3 of this resource.