Science Overview

August 9 - August 11 (1/2 week mini intro unit)

Aug 14 - Sept 22 Unit 1 (6 weeks)

Patterns in the Sky. We will investigate an ancient artifact to learn more about what symbols may have been on it.

Sept 25 - Oct 26 Unit 2 (5 weeks)

Chemistry! We will try to create a yummy salad dressing.

Oct 30 - Nov 3 Double PE 

Nov 6 to Dec 21 Unit 3 (6 weeks)

The water cycle. Why is one side of an island getting more rain?

Jan 9 to Feb 8 Unit 4 (5 weeks)

Water and Air Make Food. Investigate water and hydroponics as an intro to ecosystems.

Feb 12 - Feb 15 Double PE

Feb 26 - March 28 Unit 5 (5 weeks)

Ecosystem restoration. How can we fix Costa Rican rainforest?

April 8 - May 23 Unit 6 (7 weeks minus testing days)

Continue ecosystem restoration and continue other units.