Wendi S. Williams,PhD

My name is Wendi Williams and I am running for the president-elect position of the Society for the Psychology of Women, Division 35. As an active member and leader within SPW, I feel called to lead to advocate for the health and development of ALL women and girls.

Over the course of my presidency, I will center programming, initiatives, and collaborations that E3 HER = Embody, Empower and Embrace HER (Health, Education, and Relationships). I am committed to the ways we can ground down deeply into our commitments to raise up all women and girls taking a critical stance that permits elevation of our feminism and feminist process.

Nurturing our history and previous initiatives, I will sustain our legacy while extending our reach to ever-widening bands of inclusion and collaboration to cultivate generative space wherein we create space to authentically heal fissures that hold tremendous potential to teach us more about our vulnerabilities and possibilities for our growth. I am particularly interested in collaboratively developing initiatives that:

● Articulate and apply a systems and critical race feminist analysis of the manifestation of ill-health and disease and engage collaborative programming that promotes psycho-spiritual endarkened feminist embodiments of health and care. (Health)

● Strengthen the link between education and critical embodied feminist pedagogies and psychologies toward leadership development, mental health, and achievement among teachers and students in schools. (Education)

● Organize and integrate the existing profile of leadership development opportunities that have been made available for the diverse range of positionalities of all feminist psychologists in ways that effectively address the diversity of concerns and communities of our constituency. Cognizant that the health of intra- and inter-personal relationships are the foundation of leadership and organizational health, we will center the work that continues to cultivate opportunities for colleagues to learn more about and further their relational development to undercut the shadow-side of leadership. (Relationships)

With the opportunity to connect with our colleagues, I look forward to building out specific initiatives of my presidency. I welcome partners in thought and action so please do consider sharing your ideas and sweat equity to support the actualization of these ideas. Please also feel free to direct friends/colleagues to my website (hyperlinked here) to learn more about me and my intentions for the Division 35 presidency.