West Oak Middle School
January 10, 2025 Weekly Update
Upcoming Dates:
January 13- Late Start 10:00am
January 15- ACCESS Assessments Begin
January 15- Spelling Bee
January 16- MHS Fine Arts Event
January 16- MHS Incoming Freshmen Night
January 17- Stevenson Fine Arts Tour @ Woodlawn Middle School 1:15-2:00pm.
January 19- Sunrise Singers Chicago Wolves Game
January 20- Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO SCHOOL
January 23- OMNI Parent Presentation
January 27-31- 1st Week of ACCESS Testing
January 27- MHS Freshman Course Selections
January 28- Board Meeting 7:00pm @ Sparkle Center
January 29- SMILE Dentist
February 3- Late Start 10:00am
February 3- Simplifying Stevenson 7:00pm @ Twin Groves Middle School
February 3-7- 2nd Week of ACCESS Testing
February 4- Board Meeting 7:00pm @ Sparkle Center
February 7- End of 2nd Trimester
February 14- 2nd Trimester Report Cards Sent Out
February 14- Early Release/Teacher Institute
February 17- Presidents Day NO SCHOOL
February 20- 8th Grade Graduation Pictures
March 3- Late Start 10:00am
March 11-13- IAR Testing
March 11-13- ISA Testing for 8th Graders
March 13- MASC Spring Dance at WOMS Gym
March 18- PTO Meeting 6 pm Innovation Center
March 18- BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
March 20- 8th Grade Graduation Pictures
March 20- Early Release, Student Led P/T Conferences
March 21- Institute Day NO SCHOOL
March 21- MASC Veteran's Dinner 5-7:00pm
March 24-28- Spring Break NO SCHOOL
This Week's Highlights
Welcome back! It has been so nice to be back in the building and seeing our students again.
Thank you to everyone who attended our district's Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee this week!
We have made a few updates to our foyer area of the school! Below are a couple pictures.
Need to Know
Dress for the Weather: The cold weather has arrived! Please be sure to send your child to school dressed for the outdoors. If you are in need of any cold weather supplies please reach out to Samira Calderon at scalderon@dist76.org.
Progress/STAR Reports: Trimester 2 Progress Reports and our second round of STAR benchmark testing was sent out before winter break,12/20/24. Please contact the Main Office if you do not receive your child's reports.
8th Grade Tributes: This year the yearbook staff is continuing a program just for 8th graders and their families. This program allows families to buy an eighth of a page personal ad in the yearbook to congratulate their 8th grader on their graduation from West Oak Middle School. Please review this document for more information.
MHS Night: Mundelein High School is excited to welcome our incoming 9th grade students and their families to their school this fall. As a reminder, course placements will be emailed and mailed to your home address during the week of January 6th. Additionally, students and families are invited to attend their Incoming Freshman Night, scheduled for Thursday, January 16th, at Mundelein High School. It is asked that families and students with last names A-L attend the 6:00 PM session, while those with last names M-Z are asked to attend the 7:15 PM session. The presentation will be available in both English and Spanish. After each presentation, the Activities and Athletics Fair will be held in the Main Gym. Please view the following letter (English/Spanish) that was sent home to families this week.
Girl's Volleyball: Girls' volleyball tryouts and practices has begun. For additional information, here is the volleyball sports letter and schedule.
SMILE Dentist: On January 28, 2025 we will be welcoming Smile Dentist to our building. If your child is in need of a check up and dental cleaning, this free service is available. Click HERE to register.
ACCESS Testing: ACCESS testing for our English language learners will begin the week of January 27th. ACCESS testing is a required, state mandated, assessment that measures students' English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Later this summer or early next year, families will receive an Individual Student Report that provides information about how well he or she is progressing in the English language and it will assist our school in determining and refining academic support services to best meet their needs.
OMNI Resources: OMNI Behavioral Health Services is offering a resource for the community, including assistance with SNAP benefit applications, unemployment applications, utility assistance, and more. For additional details, please refer to this flyer for more information.
MHS Family Tour Dates: Mundelein High school will be offering monthly tours of their campus starting in October. Please review and RSVP for these events using this link.
D76 Community Engagement and Growth
Princess Polly entered a contest for America's Favorite Pet (AFP). AFP hosts this contest annually for both dogs and cats. Based on a short profile and a large collection of photos, voters will see our sweet girl's snapshots and fall in love with her, just like we have!
Competing against 63 other dogs, click HERE to access the ballot. You can also view our girl's competition through THIS link. Voting is officially open and they will ask that you verify you are a real person through the use of Facebook. AFP is a non for profit organization who supports PAWS and suggests donations for more votes. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DONATE! A single vote is FREE and you can vote once each day before the voting closes on January 16th. Anyone can vote, so please share the link with friends and family members or post the link to your social media. Thank you for your support!
PTO Updates
January 16th- Taco & Burrito Express Dine out. They will be donating 15% of their lunch and dinner proceeds back to the PTO. Don't forget to mention D76 when ordering!
January 28th- PTO Meeting @ 6pm in the DLS library