West Oak Intermediate School
January 10, 2025 Weekly Update
Upcoming Dates
January 13: Late Start 9:30 am
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, NO SCHOOL
January 21: PTO Meeting 6:00 pm @ DLS Innovation Center
January 28: *DATE CHANGE* Board of Education Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
January 29: Smile Dentist (see info below)
February 3: Late Start 9:30 am
February 4: BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
February 7: End of Trimester 2
February 14: Early Release 11:30 am, Teacher Institute
February 14: Report Cards Emailed Home to Families
February 17: President's Day, NO SCHOOL
February 18: PTO Meeting 6:00 pm @ DLS Innovation Center
February 18: BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
March 3: Late Start 9:30 am
March 3: BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
March 18: Spring Picture Day
March 18: BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
March 18: PTO Meeting 6:00 pm @ DLS Innovation Center
March 20: Early Release 11:30 am, P/T Conferences
March 20: Pack Pride Assembly
March 21: Teacher Institute Day, NO SCHOOL
March 24-28: Spring Break, NO SCHOOL
Week of 1/13/2025 After School Activities
Tuesday, January 14:
Math and Reading Club
Student Council
Wednesday, Janaury 15:
Yearbook Club (LAST DAY)
Thursday, January 16:
Math and Reading Club
Friday, January 19:
Ultimate Ninja
Need to Know
Welcome Back: Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable winter break filled with warmth, laughter, and special moments with loved ones. We're so excited to have our students back in the classroom and look forward to a wonderful second half of the school year.
Kindness: As we kick off the new year, we're focusing on the important value of kindness throughout January. This means thinking about how our actions and words impact others. Kindness isn't just about saying "please" and "thank you" (though these are important too!); it's about showing genuine care and empathy. This month, we encourage you to talk with your children about what kindness looks like in different situations - at school, at home,, and in the community. Some examples include offering help to a classmate, being inclusive of others, or showing respect even when we disagree. By practicing kindness, we can create a more positive and supportive learning environment for everyone.
On January 29, 2025 Smile Dentist will be coming to West Oak Campus. If your child is in need of a check up and dental cleaning, this service is available. Click HERE to register.
Lost and Found: Please remind your child to look through the lost and found in case they are missing a jacket, hat, gloves, lunch box, backpack, shoes, and/or water bottle! There are many items that are looking to be reunited with their owner.
Dress for the Weather: The cold weather has arrived! Please be sure to send your child to school dressed for the outdoors. Even on chilly days, we encourage outdoor play as long as the weather permits. We will have indoor recess if the real feel is less than 15 degrees.
Contact Information: Your classroom teacher should be your first point of contact. Yet, for building related information, please call the front office at 847-970-3544 or contact the following individuals via email:
Front Office Staff: Ms.Elizabeth Melgoza: emelgoza@dist76.org & Ms. Kailey Leon: kleon@dist76.org
Daily Operations: Mrs. Laura Rogers: lrogers@dist76.org or Mr. Will Carr: wcarr@dist76.org
Food and Transportation Items: Mr. Eric Rogers: erogers@dist76.org
Principal Related Items: Dr. Bhavna Sharma-Lewis: bsharmalewis@dist76.org
PTO Updates
Upcoming PTO Events:
January 16, 2025: Taco & Burrito Express dine out. They will be donating 15% of their lunch and dinner proceeds back to the PTO. Don't forget to mention D76 when ordering!
January 28, 2025: PTO Meeting 6:00 pm @ DLS Innovation Center
There will be an open gym for students in K-5 for parents that want to attend the PTO meeting.
Please visit the D76 PTO Website for upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and more!
D76 Community Engagement and Growth
Princess Polly entered a contest for America's Favorite Pet (AFP). AFP hosts this contest annually for both dogs and cats. Based on a short profile and a large collection of photos, voters will see our sweet girl's snapshots and fall in love with her, just like we have!
Competing against 63 other dogs, click HERE to access the ballot. You can also view our girl's competition through THIS link. Voting is officially open and they will ask that you verify you are a real person through the use of Facebook. AFP is a non for profit organization who supports PAWS and suggests donations for more votes. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DONATE! A single vote is FREE and you can vote once each day before the voting closes on January 16th. Anyone can vote, so please share the link with friends and family members or post the link to your social media.
Thank you for your support!