
Class of 2026

We are excited to welcome students in the Class of 2026 into our Giant family! This website contains important information to assist with your transition to Highland Park High School. Cómo ver los subtítulos en español.

Giant Welcome Video Presentation

In this video you will hear a Giant Welcome from Principal Finn and watch a montage that highlights the myriad activities offered at HPHS. Academic department chairs will share details about our curricular offerings and our counseling department chair will review the course registration process.

Bienvenida a los Gigantes Presentación

En este video usted escuchará una bienvenida gigantesca por parte de la Director Finn y verá un montaje audiovisual que destaca las innumerables actividades que se ofrecen en HPHS. Los Directores de los departamentos académicos compartirán detalles sobre nuestras ofertas curriculares y nuestro director del departamento de consejería revisará el proceso de inscripción a las clases.

Este folleto contiene información importante acerca de una variedad de temas, incluyendo: el calendario de inscripción a las clases, los detalles del plan de estudios, los requisitos de graduación, el horario diario de HPHS y el calendario escolar 22-23. Para obtener información adicional sobre las clases que se ofrecen, las políticas académicas y de calificaciones, por favor, consulte el Programa de Estudios SY 2022-2023. Si desea una copia impresa de este paquete y no tiene una impresora, puede recoger una copia en Highland Park High School.

This handout contains important information about a variety of topics including: course registration timeline, curriculum details, graduation requirements, HPHS daily schedule and 22-23 school calendar. For additional information about course offerings and academic and grading policies, please check out the Program of Studies SY 2022-2023. If you would like a hard copy of this packet and do not have a printer, a copy may be picked up at Highland Park High School and at the Highwood Library.

If you have not yet completed the Online Registration Form, please do so immediately. Registrations must be completed by January 7, 2022.

Important Video from HPHS School Nurses (Requisitos de Servicios de Salud con subtítulos en español)

All incoming students must have Health Forms y las formas de salud completed by May 2, 2022. If you do not have a printer, a copy of these forms may be picked up at Highland Park High School.

Conozca a Luisa Espinosa-Lara, nuestra Enlace con la comunidad escolar/Meet Luisa Espinosa-Lara our School Community Liaison

Número de teléfono: 224-765-2336/Phone Number:224-765-2336

Como Enlace de Comunidad escolar brindo a a los padres de familia acceso a recursos que les ayuden a que sus hijos alcancen el éxito escolar. Les ayudo a navegar es sistema educativo de la escuela, y mediante la participacion en talleres y la creación de redes de apoyo entre padres fomento el desarollo de sus habilidades y fortalezco la la relación: padre, estudiante, escuela.

As a School Community Liaison, I provide parents with access to resources to help their children succeed in school. I help them navigate the school's educational system, and through participation in workshops and the creation of parent support networks, I encourage the development of their skills and strengthen the relationship between parent, student, and school.

Elective Offerings at HPHS

Click on the links below to access videos for each content area!

Dual Language

Learn more about freshman course offerings for dual language students.

Fine & Applied Arts

Learn more about freshman electives available in the fine and applied arts.

World Languages

Learn more about freshman electives available in world languages. Also check out important course placement information.

Organizations for Parent Involvement

Please consider joining one or more of these important groups for parents.

¿Preguntas? Questions?

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a la transición de su estudiante a HPHS, por favor llame al Departamento de Consejería al 224/765-2040.

If you have any questions regarding your student's transition to HPHS, please call the Counseling Department at 224/765-2040.

Principal Team

Debby Finn


Alesia Margetis

Assistant Principal

Loren Stillwell

Assistant Principal

Matt Wallace

Assistant Principal & Co-Principal of Summer School

Registration, Residency and Financial Aid Information

Norma Aguilar

Administrative Assistant to Assistant Principals

(Financial Aid)

Kelly Schaffner

District 113 Registrar

(Registration and Residency)

Student Services

Aliza Gilbert

Co-Department Chair of Counseling

Jennifer Ginopolis

Co-Department Chair of Counseling

Sue Brady

School Nurse

Kristin Endre

Co-Department Chair of Special Education

Tricia Tisworth

Co-Department Chair of Special Education

Elizabeth Nelson

504 Coordinator/School Psychologist

Agata Watson

504 Coordinator/School Psychologist

Academic Department Chairs

Jesse Villanueva

English Learners and Dual Language

Shanova Friend

Fine and Applied Arts

Elizabeth Waller


Lynn Hatzikostantis

Physical Education/Traffic Safety

Joe Brysiewicz

Social Studies

Jeff Handley

World Languages

Additional Areas

Paul Harris

Interim Athletic Director

Lisa Berghoff

Director of Instructional Technology

Lindsey Meyer

Library Director

Lesa Friedrich

Director of Student Activities

Joseph Hausfeld

Director of Technology