Marquez 2017-2018

Important Announcement:

Welcome to high school!

Welcome Students

Studying English is one of extreme importance regardless of a person's chosen field. Having a strong mastery of language can help improve communication both on the job and at home. Getting to know great pieces of literature helps a person broaden their horizons and gives them a solid foundation of how these writings helped shape our world today. Students are welcome to expand their mind, stretch their fingers, and practice their voices as they learn the complexity and breath of a 9th grade English class.

This website is meant to help all the students and parents of Mrs. Marquez's classes. On the site one can find information about weekly assignments, a calendar of events, class news, and links to various pages in connection with Mrs. Marquez's curriculum. Please make sure to bookmark this page as we will be using it all year long. I am thrilled to teach and grow with you through the experience of turning my room into a technology-based learning environment.