Explore the Story - Children

These activities are suggestions of ways to help the lesson sink in. Choose the activities best suited to the age and learning styles of your children, and feel free to alter the activities to best suit your needs.

Draw: Think of a food that has a special memory. Create a storybook about a time when you ate this food, where you ate it, and the people who shared the meal with you.

Write: Develop a menu that tells the story of your family—the places you and your parents have lived, the foods your family members have grown, and places you have visited or that are meaningful to you. Discuss together the story that the menu tells. Consider choosing an evening to cook and share the meal together.

Serve: Set up a tea party for stuffed animals, dolls, cars, or other toys, and have the children practice serving their toys. For older children, practice serving adults at the dinner table. Discuss what it is like to be the ones who give yummy and nutritious food to others, sharing and providing what you have for them.