Explore the Story - Children


Dance Party!

New addition to the Family Table Spotify Playlist:

You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones


It can put a 'sour taste' in our mouths when things aren't fair, but as we learned in this week's parable, God loves all of us equally, no matter how long we have "worked in the vineyard."

These "sour patch" grapes are tart and sour when we first put them in our mouths, but after the initial tartness wears off, after we see things the way God does, this snack is sweet and juicy, just like God's love which is sweet and equal to everyone. Enjoy!


*adult supervision recommended*

Homemade Grape Juice Recipe _ SimplyRecipes.com.pdf

The winepresses used during Jesus' time were built into the rock, with one trough for trampling and pressing the grapes, and lower vats to collect the pressed juice. Once the grapes were ripe and ready, the first step was squashing them into pulp. While different winemakers have used all sorts of tools for this process, the people of the first century used their bare feet! Yep, in a land where most people worse sandals all the time. And remember, wine was cleaner and safer to drink that the water! - The World Jesus Knew: a Curious Kids' Guide to Life in the First Century