Leonardo Querzoni
Welcome to my home page.
I've been appointed Deputy Rector for Digital technologies and Cybersecurity at Sapienza University of Rome for the next two years (2025-2026).
"QMSan: Efficiently Detecting Uninitialized Memory Errors During Fuzzing" with Matteo Marini, Daniele Cono D'Elia and Mathias Payer, to appear at NDSS 2025.
Sapienza's team won the 2024 edition of Cyberchallenge.IT (2nd year in a row)!!!
"Predictive Context-sensitive Fuzzing" to appear at the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2024.
"Adaptive online scheduling in Storm" published in 2013 with L. Aniello and R. Baldoni recently got the Test-of-Time Award at the 2023 ACM DEBS Conference.
Since May 2022 I'm member of the ACM Eurosys Steering Committee.
Together with Giuseppe Antonio Di Luna we had a lot of fun organizing EuroSys 2023 in Rome!
Since July 2022 I'm coordinator of the new PhD in Cybersecurity, a joint program between Sapienza and Luiss.
As of February 2022 I've been elected president of the CYBER 4.0 competence center.
Since July 2020 I'm member of the ACM DEBS Steering Committee.
Sapienza UniversitĂ di Roma
Via Ariosto 25
00185 Roma (Italy)Room B208
Tel: +39 06 77274072e-mail: querzoni@diag.uniroma1.it
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