
Nicola Galesi Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale "Antonio Ruberti"Via Ariosto 25, 00185 Roma, Italy
room: A202tel:email: lastname[AT]diag.uniroma1.itoffice hours:  app by email.


Nicola is  an associate professor since 2001.  He holds a PhD (00) from  Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, advised by Maria Luisa Bonet. and holds Italian habilitations as full professor in Mathematical Logic and Computer Science.

From 2005 Nicola is  in Sapienza, now at DIAG (Dept. of Computer, Control and Management Engineering "A. Ruberti" ) in Rome. He teaches: Calculus, Mathematical Logic and Computational Complexity.

From   2001 to 2005 Nicola was associate professor  at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, in Barcelona.  Before 2001 he was a researcher  at School of Mathematics of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton and Postdoc at University of Toronto (2002-2003). 

In 2015   and 2021 Nicola was visiting scientist at Simons Institute for Theory of Computing. UC-Berkeley and in 15 at Tokyo Institute for Technology.


Interests:  Computational Complexity and Logic in Computer Science. Proof Complexity, SAT-Solving, Optimization. Group testing and network tomography.

PhD Advising:  Massimo Lauria (09), Ilario Bonacina (15), Fariba Ranjbar (21) 

Postdocs:  Alan Skelley, Olaf Beyersdorff, Massimo Lauria. 

Citation: DBLP, Google scholar


28 Nov 24: LoC3 Seminar:  Mauro di Nasso: Arithmetic Ramsey Theory, a nonstandard take.

Sep 24.   From 2 to 6 Sep I'll be at the Workshop  "Proof Complexity 24" In Oxford.

Aug 24. Paper  "The complexity of Boolean failure identification" accepted to ICTCS 24. With F. Ranjbar

Jun 24.  Workshop RaTLoCC IV in Pisa: "Ramsey Theory in Logic Complexity and Combinatorics".  (Registration here )

Mar 24. Oberwolfach Workshop "Proof Complexity and Beyond" .

selected papers


Organizer of  the Seminar series in Sapienza.  Sapienza LOC3  (Logic,  Complexity, Combinatorics, Computability)

Editor for Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS)

Founder/Organizer of RaTLoCC workshops "Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity" (11,12,18). 

Recent Program Committee: CIAC23, IJCAI22, IJCAI21, FSTTCS17.