The only real valuable thing is intuition



I am Imad Eddine Tibermacine, a second-year PhD Student in Engineering in Computer Science at Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering "Antonio Ruberti" (DIAG), Sapienza University of Rome. My research focuses on Enhancing the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) using Riemannian Geometry and Deep Learning, and Reinfrocement Learning from Human Neurofeedback (RLHNF). I am a part of Cognitive Cooperative Robots (Ro.Co.Co.) Laboratory and Intelligent Systems (is.lab()) Laboratory. 

Education & Awards


2022 - Now

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Ph.D. in Engineering in Computer Science

2020 - 2022

University of Biskra, Algeria & Sapienza University of Rome

M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

2017 - 2020

University of Biskra, Algeria

B.Sc. in Computer Science 

Awards & Grants