Behavioral Change and Ambient Intelligence for Sustainability
Organized in the scope of
AmI 2018 - European Conference on Ambient Intelligence
Larnaca, Cyprus. November 12, 2018
Ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to normal working and living environments being surrounded by embedded devices that can merge unobtrusively and in natural ways using information and intelligence hidden in the network connecting these devices (e.g. the Internet of Things). Such devices observe daily life within an environment over long periods of time towards providing a system designed to aid in behavioral change in individuals or groups. In such systems, real-world data collected can be used for coaching and evaluation purposes. This introduces a number of challenges such as choosing the timing, modality, content, and the feedback systems of persuasive (coaching) strategies. These challenges are related to both the research and the development of persuasive systems in different contexts, such as health, energy, smart mobility, road safety and education or the everyday workplace.
In this workshop, we will look into how to design, develop and evaluate systems that enable behavior capture and support behavior modeling so as to drive behavioral change using Ambient Intelligence. Certain challenges need to be overcome such as choosing the timing, modality, content, and the feedback systems of persuasive intervention strategies as well as the timing and modality of the systems that monitor the behaviour. Therefore, the multi-disciplinary nature of designing and implementing behavioral change strategies and systems are within the core of this workshop.
The aim of this workshop is to collect from academic and industrial players papers reporting original, previously unpublished research, which addresses this important field. In addition, novel approaches combining advances in IoT, Fog and Cloud technologies, with techniques such as gamification to stimulate engagement and behavior change are also within the scope of this workshop. The research being presented can come from any topic area relevant to behavior change using ambient intelligence including, but not limited to, the following topic areas:
- Data management and knowledge extraction
- Fog computing and network architectures
- 5G communication architecture and pervasive sensing applications
- Smart metering infrastructures
- People-centric systems and solutions
- Methodologies for studying and analyzing behavior and results of interventions
- Big-Data driver ambient intelligence approaches
- Pilot applications and experiences
- IoT-enabled enhanced learning
- IoT-based gamification for behavioral change
- Users’ behavioural changes for energy efficiency
- Applications of gamification in IoT settings
- Behaviour change in Educational environments
- Testing and evaluation methodologies for large-scale IoT experimentation
- IoT Security and Security and Privacy on deployment for behavioral change
- Gamification in transportation
Contributions can be analytical, empirical, technological, methodological, or a combination of these. Papers reporting strong systems engineering contributions backed by solid and appropriate evaluations are strongly encouraged. The impact of the contributions should be demonstrated in the context of pervasive computing and communications. Papers applying known techniques from other fields must clearly demonstrate substantial novelty or pervasive computing impact.
Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Also, they must show a significant relevance to ambient intelligence and behavioural change with significant environmental and societal impact. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process handled by the Technical Program Committee. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered.
We invite submissions as five-page position papers in ELSEVIER Journal format. Accepted and revised papers will be published in an ENTCS Journal Issue (see here for further details). Submissions should follow the publication policies of ENTCS.
Maximum of 5 pages including references, formatted in accordance with the ENTCS author guidelines.
Papers can be submitted through the EASYCHAIR system.
Important Dates
Paper submission: August 10, 2018 August 31, 2018
Notification: September 10, 2018
Camera Ready: September 25, 2018
Author Registration: September 30, 2018
Workshop Day: November 12, 2018
Workshop Chairs
Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Aris S. Lalos, Industrial Systems Institute, "ATHENA" Research Center, Greece
Helen C. Leligou, University of West Attica, Greece
Georgios Mylonas, Computer Technology Institute & Press, Greece
Antonio Skarmeta, University of Murcia, Spain
Technical Program Committee
Dimitris Ampeliotis, University of Patras, Greece
Athanasios Bamis, Amazon, USA
Jorge Bernal, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Ugo Maria Colesanti, INTECS, Italy
Juan Manuel Corchado, University of Salamanca, Spain
Edward Curry, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Cathal Gurrin, Dublin City University / Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland
Alex Gluhak, Digital Catapult, UK
Enrique Hortal Quesada, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
Otilia Kocsis, University of Patras, Greece
Panagiotis Kokkinos, NTUA and CTI, Greece
Andreas Komninos, University of Patras, Greece
Dimitrios Lymberopoulos, Microsoft Research, USA
Christos Mavrokefalidis, University of Patras, Greece
Irene Mavrommati, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Federica Paganeli, CNIT, Italy
Apostolis Papageorgiou, i2CAT Foundation, Spain
Nearchos Paspalis, University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus
Paolo Petta, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria
Dennis Pfisterer, DHBW Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Mannheim, Germany
Alfonso Ramallo, University of Murcia, Spain
Stefan van der Spek, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Panagiotis Trakadas, ADAE, Greece
Christos Tselios, University of Patras, Greece
Nicholas Vrettos, CERTH, Greece
Andrea Vitaletti, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Evangelos Vlachos, School of Engineering and Electronics, Edinburgh, Scotland
Artemis Voulkidis, Power-Ops, Greece
Theodore Zahariadis, Technological Educational Institute of Sterea Ellada, Greece