Advanced Methods in Control

AA 2023-24


2024/02/25: The start of the class is on Tuesday 27/02/2024 at 10:00 in room A2 (DIAG)
2024/01/15: Send a mail to antonio.franchi at via  your institutional email to be added to the communication mailing list
2024/01/15: The first lecture will be in the week starting on February 26th 2024, more information will come

General Info

Class name: Advanced Methods in Control (10592976)
University: Sapienza University of Rome
Master's name: Control Engineering
Master's Year: 2nd year, 2nd semester
Academic Year: 2023-2024,
Language: English
Teachers: Prof. Antonio Franchi, Prof.. Stefano Stramigioli


General communication is done through the group
How to join the group:  send a mail to antonio.franchi ... via  your institutional email

Learning Material and Lecture Syllabus

In the shared folder:
How to get access to the folder: join the google group (see above)

Objectives of the class

Main objective

Introduce the students to port-Hamiltonian methods for design controllers for lumped-parameter multi-physical systems (electrical, mechanical, thermodynamical, etc.…)


  Content of the class

IMPORTANT: for the detailed content refer to the syllabus present in the shared folder

Useful References