Alternative Methods of Instruction Days

Update: Two additional AMI days have been approved and prepared for this school year, if needed.

The DeWitt School District is one of the school districts in the state approved for Alternate Methods of Instruction (AMI) days for the 2017-18 school year under Act 862 of 2017. This means that if school is not in session due to exceptional or emergency situations such as snow, ice, or other circumstances, students may complete work while at home and that work may count for a day of school.

The district's AMI plan is for up to three days of missed school and has been approved by the Commissioner of Education. Any days, exceeding three, when school is not in session due to exceptional or emergency situations, will require use of make-up days according to the approved school calendar.


Each teacher has prepared lessons that include printed materials and the use of Google folders and Google Classroom.

  • Grades K-5: Teachers have prepared "take home packets". These packets should be put in a safe place.
  • Grades 6-12: Assignments for AMI days will be placed on the school district website using Google Classroom and Google folders. All students will receive the written materials for their classes ahead of time so that they can continue to work in the event that the Internet is not accessible.
  • Assignments given for an AMI day will be due within 48 hours upon the reopening of school.


At DeWitt School District attendance will be determined based upon the amount of work completed by the student on each AMI day.

  • A student will be counted present if they have turned in all completed assignments with 48 hours of returning to school.
  • If a student fails to comply with the assignment policy, he/she will be considered absent for the AMI day.
  • If counted absent on the AMI day due to work not being completed, a student can complete the work for grading purposes within 48 hours. If a student does not complete the work within 48 hours this will results in an unexcused absence and zeros for all work not turned in.


When out for an AMI day, teachers will be available to provide assistance and feedback for students during designated school hours from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. This communication will be through school district email. Please visit the Faculty Contact page for a list of all district email addresses.

As with anything new there will be lessons learned. We will monitor and make adjustments and improvements as we move through this process. Thank you for your cooperation and we welcome your feedback. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your child's school.

Dr. Lynne Dardenne, Superintendent