DSUSD Elementary Math
DSUSD classrooms follow the CA Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Teachers use the curriculum shown to the right as well as supplementary resources to provide rigorous and relevant lessons for all students.
DSUSD classrooms follow the CA Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Teachers use the curriculum shown to the right as well as supplementary resources to provide rigorous and relevant lessons for all students.
In the classrooms, students are online engaging in interactive learning activities connected through their Google logins.
In the classrooms, students are online engaging in interactive learning activities connected through their Google logins.
Kindergarten and Grade 1
Kindergarten and Grade 1
enVision Math
enVision Math
by Pearson
by Pearson
Grades 2 - 5
Grades 2 - 5
Math Progression Overview.pdf
The Kindergarten through Grade 8 Math Progression.
The Kindergarten through Grade 8 Math Progression.
Preparing all students for success in high school math.
Preparing all students for success in high school math.
For Parents and Students
For Parents and Students
Students can access online math activities at home by following these instructions:
Students can access online math activities at home by following these instructions:
1) Open a Chrome browser window.
2) Log in using their school account "@myds"
3) In the desertsands.us bookmarks folder, click on CLEVER
4) Inside of Clever, students have access to i-Ready for Individual Pathway learning, K-1 Math inside os SAVVAS, and Gr 2 - 5 Math inside of Think Central.
With new state standards, students are working harder, thinking more critically, and applying their learning to the real world. To measure these new standards, educators from states using Smarter tests have worked together to develop new, high-quality tests in English and math for grades 3–8 and high school. Learn more from this video or at the website below.