(Electronic Library Resources for Online Learning)

III. Framework

Program SPEAR jump-started its first project in 2021 called eLibRO, a repository of all print and non-print, particularly localized and contextualized, learning resources, as a communication channel for online surveys and feedback, and as a clearinghouse of all the digitized learning materials in the eLearning Program.  The conceptual framework shows how the eLibRO portal is managed to ensure that all learning resources are available, accessible, and useful to the learners, students and other stakeholders. 

A. Quality and Usability 

-  All digitized learning materials, especially localized and contextualized self-learning modules, learning activity sheets, worksheets, and interactive lessons, shall undergo validation and approval before publication in the portal.

- Policies governing the use of eLibRO are implemented to ensure the ease of use of the learners, teachers, and other stakeholders. 

B. Cost and Maintenance

-  Since the eLibRO portal is managed by Google website creator, cost, security, and speed are guaranteed free. Cost and maintenance for additional services/features is taken into consideration for increased user engagement and quality service delivery. 

-  Training and/or recruiting competent staff for upkeeping of digitized resources

-  Purchasing apps or widgets, such as Discord Nitro for screen-sharing and chat features

C. Distribution and Modification

-  Distribution and/or modification of digitized learning resources and professional development materials follow library standards. 

-  Building a partnership with consultancy services for projects such as copyright, resource creation, digitization, and other legal implications of providing materials may be conducted. 

D. Implementation

-  Orientation about the eLibRO platform is held in conjunction with the related training workshops and webinars. 

-  Partial implementation of the portal is held to determine the speed performance of the portal, accessibility and availability of all uploaded materials, and user experience. 

- Technical assistance (navigation, process, etch.) to schools is provided upon request.

E. Monitoring and Evaluation

-  Distribution of survey/feedback forms is conducted annually for possible enhancement of the portal.

-  Presentation of usage report and inventory of available localized and contextualized learning resources 

IV. Stages of Implementation

Stage 1. Development of eLibRO portal

a.  Create a Technical Working Committee

b.  Assess the needs of schools in terms of learning resources

c.  Prepare and present a project proposal 

d. Acquisition of localized and contextualized learning resources, and other external links as supplementary materials

e. Assess and weed materials

Stage 2. Design and installation of the eLibRO portal

a. Acquire, gather and organize existing library resources

b. Set up the portal and present the interface design 

c. Design the website through the help of IT

d. Run compatibility testing, test site’s usability, and set up Google Analytics

Stage 3. Implementation

a. Pilot launch the eLibRO portal

b. Schedule orientation on features and contents of the eLibRO platform  

c. Launch the eLibRO portal during professional development seminars, trainings and workshops related to technical support, information literacy and project development intended

d. Operationalize the eLibRO portal to all users 

Stage 4. Monitoring and Evaluation

a. Provide technical assistance through video tutorials and respond to inquiries and calls from various users

b. Prepare and deploy survey/feedback forms to users through the eLibRO dashboard 

c. Prepare and deploy complaints and suggestions forms through the eLibRO dashboard 

d. Present usage report and inventory of available localized and contextualized learning resources 

e. Present results of the survey/feedback

f. Prepare and present accomplishment report