Teachers and ICT

ICT is here to stay and teachers are on the frontline in making sure that ICT is best used

in the classrooms (both face-to-face and online) and schools.

Teachers are the number one driver of knowledge and therefore should be

empowered in utilizing and maximizing ICT resources.

Mission of the project

The mission of this project is to train teachers of the basic and new ICT tools that may be useful to their teaching and other works. We envision Filipino teachers to be well-adept with ICT resources such that their workload will be a lot easier and they can integrate more exciting activities to their learning sessions.


During hands-on activities, staff supervises the participants making sure they get to feel the apps, explore them, and create an output.

Training Proper

One of the group discussions conducted with Batch 1 last April 2022. This was an introduction to interactive game apps.


Contact Ma-an Asuncion at mtasuncion3@up.edu.ph to get more information on the project