Division Results-based Performance Management System Cycle and Activities

Division Results-based Performance Management System  4-stage Cycle

The division's results-based performance management cycle represents a cornerstone of our commitment to excellence. This dynamic four-phase process fosters individual growth, aligns employee goals with department objectives, and ultimately propels organizational success. Importantly, every step within this cycle is meticulously designed to incorporate the equal opportunity principles adopted by our performance management team.

Through rigorous adherence to these principles, we cultivate a fair and inclusive environment where every employee has the chance to shine. This introduction serves as a stepping stone, guiding you through the four phases of our performance management cycle while highlighting how equal opportunity forms the bedrock of each stage.

Four Phases of Our Results-Based Performance Management Cycle:

DepEd Antique Embarks on PRIME-HRM Journey

The Department of Education, Schools Division of Antique (DepEd Antique), embarks on an exciting journey: implementing the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM). Recognizing the transformative potential of PRIME-HRM, DepEd Antique seeks technical assistance with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Antique Office to leverage their expertise and enhance their Human Resource Management (HRM) practices.

This collaboration focuses on four key pillars outlined by PRIME-HRM, each serving as a cornerstone for building a robust and efficient HRM system:

1. Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (RSP)

2. Rewards and Recognition (R&R)

3. Performance Management System (PMS)

4. Learning and Development (L&D)

The 4 Phases of Performance Management System

Phase I : Performance Planning and Commitment

This phase focuses on identifying success indicators, which act as clear benchmarks for measuring performance. These indicators, combining specific measures and defined targets, serve as the foundation for both the office's and individual employee's performance contracts and rating forms.

2024 PMT Pre-planning Conference
Division Performance Management Workshop, Planning and Target Setting

Phase II : Performance Monitoring and Coaching

We believe in continuous improvement. This phase implements a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system, including data-driven analysis, regular feedback sessions, and progress reviews, to track both office and individual progress. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, adjustments, and support, ensuring we stay aligned with our objectives and maximize efficiency.

Our educational leaders both in the Division and School Level, actively engage as coaches and mentors, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning to provide an enabling environment/intervention to improve individual/office performance, and to manage and develop individual potentials.

SY 2023-2024 PST-RPMS Mid-year Review (School-based)
Mid-year Review (Non School-based)

PHASE III : Performance Review and Evaluation

This crucial phase ensures both office and individual performance are on track. By evaluating against established targets and measures, we gain valuable insights. Moreover, individual competency assessments reveal strengths, identify areas for improvement, and suggest career paths or alternative options, empowering each employee to reach their full potential.

School-based Performance Review
2023 Year-end Performance Review (Non School-based) 
Calibration of  OPCRF of School Heads
Calibration of IPCRF of non-teaching personnel

PHASE IV : Performance Rewarding and Development Planning

The results of the performance evaluation/assessment directly impact our agency's HR Plan, shaping its development and implementation. This plan empowers us to identify and deliver tailored development interventions to bridge skill gaps and unlock individual potential. It also allows us to recognize and reward outstanding performance, motivating employees and fostering a culture of excellence.

Pasidungug Awardees