
Formation of Heavy Elements  (Part 1)

Formation of Heavy Elements  (Part 2)

Polarity of Molecules

Polarity of Molecules and Its Properties

Experiment by Sir Michael Click Here: 

Types of Intermolecular Forces

Biological Macromolecules

Chemical Reactions

Collision Theory Reaction Rate and Catalysts

Limiting Reactants and the Amount of Products Formed

How Energy is Produced and Managed

Active Ingredients of Cleaning Products Used at Home


Modern Astronomy & Examples of Astronomical Phenomena  Before the Advent of Telescopes & Modern Astronomy

Aristotelian vs. Galilean views of Motion; How Galileo used his discoveries in mechanics to address scientific objections to the Copernican Model; Understanding Newton's First Law of Motion

Explain the wave and particle models of light;Describe reflection and refraction in terms of the wave and particle models of light; Explain propagation of light using the wave and particle models.

The Dual Nature of Elections and The Interactions of Light

Various Light Phenomena

Special Theory of Relativity

The Consequences of the Postulates of Special Relativity Theory

General Theory of Relativity