Activity 6


     Heat is seen as an energy from the molecules of bodies, such as Earth that may be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. Such heat drives the many internal processes of the planet 


Earth's interior is the site of great amounts of heat. Most of this heat is produced by the decay of radioactive elements. Overall, the flow of Earth's internal heat is outward toward Earth's surface. Many geologic processes and features, such as tectonic plate motion, volcanic activity, and geysers, are related to the Earth's internal heat. Large convection currents in the Earth's mantle cause heat to circulate within the Earth's interior. These convection currents are linked to tectonic plate motion and geologic activity at plate boundaries.


Identify how magma is formed in the mantle.


One Large cup                 Water

One small cup                    Food Coloring

Tongs or Holder


Setup 1

a. Fill the large cup with cool water

b. Put about 10 drops of food coloring in the small cup.

c. Fill the small cup with hot water and descend it in the large water. Be careful with the hot water.

Setup 2

a. Fill the large cup with warm water 

 b. Fill the small cup with ice water and food coloring

c. Descend small cup into large cup


Guide Questions







*adopted from the Module 6of the division of Pasig pp.12