Activity 5

Rocks and Acids


     The earth’s surface is composed of water and landmasses. The solid portion is made out of rocks and minerals that could experience changes either physically or chemically. The weathered materials are transported by different agents from one place to another and will settle down in a particular area. These progressions that happen are achieved by forms called exogenic processes. It includes weathering, erosion, and deposition.


Weathering is the process of disintegration (physical) and decomposition (chemical) of rocks. Weathering is a process of breaking down rocks into small particles such as sand, clay, gravel and other fragments. There are two types of weathering: mechanical weathering and chemical weathering


Find the effects of acid on rocks.


Lemon Juice Medicine Droppers

 Vinegar 2 pieces of Chalks/Limestone


1. Cut the two chalks into two. 

2. Put a few drops of lemon juice on one of the half.

3. Put a few drops of vinegar on the remaining half.

4. Record your observation.


Guide Questions

1. What happens when you put lemon juice on each chalk/limestone?

2.What happens when you put vinegar on each chalk/limestone?

3. What does this activity have to do with chemical weathering of rocks?

4.Aside from reactions with acids, what are the other types of chemical weathering?




*adapted from the Module of the division of Pasig and module from deped central. pp.9