Message from the School Head


Dear CASILI ES learners, teaching, and non-teaching staff,


Today marks a fresh chapter in our school's journey. I am humbled and honored to be your newly assigned principal. Together, we have the power to create an environment where knowledge is fostered, growth is cherished, and dreams are embraced and celebrated.

Let us view setbacks as opportunities for growth and let us uplift one another in times of struggle. Together, we will promote a culture of resilience, adaptability, and cooperation. We will face challenges head-on, knowing that perseverance, discipline, and consistency are the cornerstones of achievement.

As a community, let us unite to cultivate an atmosphere of respect, empathy, and inclusivity. Let us celebrate our diversity, for it is through understanding and accepting one another that we truly thrive. We will build bridges of understanding and break down barriers, creating a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Throughout this journey, my door will always be open, and my attentive ears ready to listen. Let us work together, learners, teachers, staff, and community to shape an extraordinary educational experience, one that prepares you for a future brimming with “global” possibilities.

Always remember that you hold the power to shape your own destiny. Dare to dream big, and have steadfast faith in your own abilities and potential. Let us embark on this remarkable journey of learning, growth, and success. Hand in hand, we will transform our school into a nurturing haven where greatness flourishes with lifelong memories etched into our hearts and minds.

The journey ahead holds immense possibilities, and I am thrilled to be part of it alongside each and every one of you.

With great anticipation,



Principal III

Casili Elementary School